France Adventures Part 1: PUY DU FOU!!!
I went to Puy du Fou early on in the the summer, and so my French abilities were nearly non-existant. However, with the help of another girl also living in my host family's house with me, I was able to grasp the gist of the spectacular show we saw there.
Mostly though, it was projections and illusions on an actual castle, hundreds of actors and act-animals (? haha) seeming to walk on the water of a lake that doubled as a stage, mist, and pyrotechnics. It was absolute magic awakening me and welcoming me to Northern France.
One of the photos I took of a Chateau in France, not Puy Du Fou though:

Read a great article about it here:
Being a lover of Renaissance Faires while growing up in California, it was spectacular for me to be where the Medieval period actually happened. We like to pretend here in the States, but nothing beats touching stone walls that were crafted hundreds of years prior; it inspires reverance and wonder.
I will post more about my adventures in France soon!!!
Nice article! Thanks for sharing!