You have two ears and one mouth, connect with others around you :)

in #life8 years ago

I’m the type of person who loves to learn something new everyday. On days that I feel as if I haven’t learned something, I forget that I actually re-learned a lesson that I was lacking knowledge on before. Today the lesson I re-learned was that it’s okay to want to vent. It’s okay to have social support and to lean on a shoulder or two every now and then. Not very many people are self made and self made may be a myth entirely. Without others, what would we actually have? The world would be a lot more lonely if people didn’t communicate with each other. Inspiration and motivation can come in the smallest of ways.

Cherish every friend and family member you have in your life.
Cherish every opportunity you get to make someone else smile.
No matter how small of an opportunity you have, try to make a difference in someone’s life.

Sydney ❤️❤️



Be friendly. Say hello to the person next to you on a line. You sound like a beautiful person (inside). i wish you great joy and happiness. And of course, never underestimate the power of being a bit SILLY. You meet the nicest people when jumping in puddles.

I agree completely. Anytime you have a chance to have a positive influence on someone, you should. Imagine the possibilities if everyone said hello to each other. Imagine the change that would bring in people's hearts. 🙂