5 Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency
Potassium is a very important nutrient of our daily life. Many people don't understand the importance of multivitamin and trace minerals. If you are suffering from an Irregular Heartbeat, Muscle cramp, kidney stone, weak and tired all the time, it may be due to potassium deficiency. Please consult with your doctor first. Here I am going to describe few symptoms of Potassium deficiency.

Why Do We Become Potassium Deficient?
According to the National Health Institute, most people need 4.7 gram of potassium every day. If you don't take enough potassium in your daily diet, you become potassium deficient.
Potassium is present in all your cells of the body, not in the blood. that's why it is very hard to find out the potassium deficiency through the blood test. But these are the symptoms which indicate a potassium deficiency.
1. Irregular Heartbeat.
Research shows that 7 to 17 percent of patients with cardiovascular disease suffer from hypokalemia. This is due to its impact on muscle contractions, directly related to heart function.
According to the National Health Institute, all over the world, approximately three million people suffer sudden cardiac death, every year. These deaths happen mostly due to deficiency of potassium.
If you feel like your heart is pounding, or skipping a beat, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.
2. High Blood Pressure.
By nature, potassium is biological relaxer. Potassium deficiency causes high blood pressure.
Sodium and Potassium have a balance in your body, when you take too much sodium, your blood vessels get stressed. But because potassium works to flush the toxins from your body, it can fix down some of the heart-damaging effects of excess salt. Apart from that, potassium helps your blood vessel walls relax. This helps to balance your blood pressure, too.
3. Kidney Stone.
Kidney stones that contain calcium, and because potassium helps your kidneys flush extra calcium through your urine. So if you don't get enough potassium, you may develop kidney stones.
4. Week and Tired.
If you are getting enough sleep and still feel weak and sluggish throughout the day, this is happening due to .potassium deficiency. You should eat potassium-rich foods if you have this symptom.
5. Muscle Cramp.
If you are potassium deficient, then you will feel muscle weakness, because potassium is needed to help muscle contract.
potassium deficiency can lead to muscular complications, including problems contracting and reduced blood flow, which can lead to dangerous rhabdomyolysis.
Friends, please let me know your comments about the Potassium deficiency. If you ever have this type of symptoms, please share here and let me know what you did to cure it.