5 Amazing Lifehacks That Will Improve Your Body! NO.3 WILL SHOCK YOU!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Having headaches or migraines? They commonly caused by the excess amount of blood in your body. When you have too much blood, and they have no where to go, the pressure builds up in every vein in your body. Since your brain contains the most amount of blood vessels, the engorged veins will squeeze your brain tightly, thus causing you to have a really bad headache.

Instead of taking harmful pills to mitigate your headache, try this holistic way instead.

Since all the extra blood is the root of the issue, the most logical method is to let some of the blood out. Cutting your wrists is the most safest and painless way to do this.


Do it the right way!

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Take note of the picture and don't cut it the wrong way, that could result in a trip to the hospital! Remember the famous saying, "it's down the road, not across the street."

*Protip : You can drink all the excess blood, your body will immediately digest all the nutrients from the blood so you don't let any go to waste!


Detoxify your body every once in awhile. Even though our body does a pretty good job at cleaning itself, it's good to have a full detox every two weeks. Contrary to popular belief, bleach is a great detoxifying agent for the body. We are made to believe by the mass media that bleach is harmful, but that's just a trick to get you to buy useless placebo products from big health corporations.


Don't believe fake products like this

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Pour your bleach (any brand will do) into a shot cup, and down it. The chemicals will run through your innards, slowly removing any toxins and you will pass them out naturally.

*Protip : The best time to drink is when you're on an empty stomach, that way the bleach will have maximum effect on your stomach walls!


Some days you just don't feel like doing anything at all. Your mind feels weird and your body feels heavy. Try this, take a fork, spoon or any metal object, and stick it into a wall socket (Make sure it is turned on).


This is how you do it

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You will immediately feel a surge of freshness invade your body, refreshing your cluttered mind.

*Protip : You can share this instant burst of energy with your friends or family, just make sure they are in physical contact with you when you stick it in the socket!


Shed your skin. Just like rubber, our skin naturally loses it's elasticity as we age. To regain it's tight and supple feeling, you need to shed the old layer off and let the new one regrow on top of it. It's simple, you need to find a spot where your body will receive the maximum amount of sunlight. You can either do it fully naked, or just with parts of the body that you want to target specifically.

Either way, bask under the sun for a minimum of 3 hours at a time, the hotter the better. One or two days after the session, you will feel a prickly tingling sensation, and some pain. This is normal, as the old skin is starting to come off. As time goes on, your skin will become red and you will see some of the old skin drying up.


Peel off as much as you can

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Once the old skin starts coming off, it's good to assist the shed by peeling them off, if you did everything right, your new fresh skin will be waiting for you underneath!

*Protip : If you are impatient, an easy way to shed the dead skin faster is by sitting in a tub filled with bleach!


Back aching from working too long? No need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on physical therapists. I'll show you this simple trick that you can do at home which will straighten and fix all your backaches in one shot!

All you need is a strong rope and something for you to stand on (like a chair).

First you need to learn this secret knot that is not known to many people.


Step by step guide

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Next, find a sturdy object to tie the knot from, a ceiling fan is suitable. Use your chair to help you reach the higher areas. (Be careful, don't fall and hurt yourself! )

Once it's done, stand on the chair and put your head through the circular passage of the knot. Wrap it tightly around your neck, and in one swift motion, kick the chair out of your feet and fall with the rope around your neck.

If done properly, you will hear a crack, this is the sound of the rope forcefully aligning your spine which will then solve all your backache issues!

*Protip : The longer the distance you fall as you kick away the chair, the better the results will be!



Some serious disclaimer is needed because there ARE idiots out there who would try it.

By the way does it help if I scrub the skin off instead of peeling it? I think it's way more efficient lifehack rather than manually pick by hand. Don't you think?


some people may find it hard to follow the instruction by having only pictures. If a step by step guide using video tutorials is provided, it may be able to reach out to the crowd. useful tip bro...upvoted. will be great to try one or two later in the day, especially the part on aligning the backbone. my chiropractor is an ass. couldn't solve my problem and keep fleecing me off more money. fortunately I came across this. great work bro.