Steemian Thoughts #2 -- What is The Secret to the Good Life?

in #life7 years ago


As you might be wondering from the title of this post, what is the secret to the good life? Is it tons of money to spend on goods and luxurious things you want to buy? or maybe it's meeting the right person and starting a family!

Different people have different views on what the "Good Life" means to them, however there are several factor that determine whether you'll have a prosperous life or not that most won't disagree on.

Today, I want to share with you these factors, how to achieve them, and my backstory on how I learned about all of this.


Before learning about these factors, I was lost in life. All I knew I wanted to do was go to college, get a job and try and get by. My life was and still is somewhat uneventful, full of many financial and family issues. My parents are getting a divorce, and we practically have just enough money for food and water.

I remember our washing machine broke down 4 months ago, It took us 3 months to be able to get the funds to fix it. This is how bad things are. I don't need pity from anyone nor am I sad that I'm not as fortunate as other, all I need is just a way to change my position.

I got more and more desperate everyday for a way to make money, so I can at least reach a normal level of income. So naturally, I surfed the web searching for answers until I found a video titled "This talk might change your life" I thought to myself

"This sounds so cliche, but I'll just get click-baited and click on it, who knows it could be useful!"

And useful it was!

No.1: Health

The video I watched was by Tai Lopez. A social media personal and an millionaire entrepreneur. He was talking about the four key factors to having a good life, and how no one taught him these things when he was younger. The first thing is health.

Health is such a crucial aspect of life that you cannot live without. You can argue that you can spend your health on making money when you're younger and then spending that money your health when you get older, that is just a stupid methodology!

What is the point, you're making money to waste on your health when you get old when you could have just taken care of yourself in the first place. The world is really funny place huh! So many people just focus on making more and more money where collecting the money becomes the end goal not using money for the tool that it is; spending it on your needs and wants.

It's exactly like how people perceive education in many ways, going after a piece of paper (certificate) instead of the knowledge that this is paper proves that you have not the other way around! And taking care of your health couldn't be easier in the 21st century!

All you have to do is get a gym membership, eat healthy, and maintain a proper body mass. Sounds hard on paper but it's actually really easy to do in real life, you only need discipline and dedicati....... Now we hit the REAL problem!


Most people are lazy and that is something that no one can help you with. Not this post, not the educational system, not Tai Lopez, no one but you! If you don't get in shape, stay lean and get your health together, then no amount of money will grant you "The Good Life".

No.2: Wealth

Now this is the wear most people have the issues. Do you know that the top ten people in the world (Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg etc.) have more than the bottom 3.2 billion people in the world, Try and let that sink in! Money is very important thing to having a good life.


Everyone wants to have enough money for their wants and needs. It baffles me how so many people don't know anything about making money! I challenge you right now to go to some random guy on the street and ask him what a hedge fund is, he wouldn't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about.

This phenomenon of financial illiteracy is seen everywhere even in the crypto world. People hear about bitcoin and go "Oh, I want a piece of that cake!" aka FOMO, so they buy high and then the price drops, they get FUD and sell low. I don't understand how so many people throw common sense out of the window. You're that genius that buys high and sells low!

I wish the school system taught us how to invest our money into things like stock market, cryptocurrencies, starting business, or getting into real estate. It's so sad that most of the world is illiterate financially. They key to having a good life is making enough money to satisfy your needs. whether you want to buy a Lamborghini, a good house, or even something as simple as a ps4!


Now you might be asking yourself "But how can I educate myself financially? It's not like I can take a class or something!" and the answer to that is very simple: Get a Mentor! A mentor is giant or a whale as we call them in the crypto world, someone who has made lots of money and knows exactly how they made it.

You could argue that a lot of these Whales got lucky so they have nothing to teach you, and to an extent, luck had a role on their success, but when someone makes a hundred million dollars that isn't luck that is skill. It's up to you to find those mentors who are willing to teach you, but just remember to get a mentor to do anything to you, you have to pay them!

And when I say pay the mentors, it doesn't have to be money. It could be anything from your time, your effort, doing them a favor. There are so many ways you could pay someone to do you something. I think I have stretched this far enough.

My main point to you is that once you start educating yourself financially, your life will be 100x better, but money isn't everything you need to get a good life which brings us to the next point.

No.3: Love

No matter how money you have, you can never ever buy a good friend, family, or a true lover. These are things that money simply cannot buy. I remember my school having these Whats-App groups for different subjects to discuss problems that you might be facing with other mates.

I saw this girl's account who had a profile picture saying "make money and not friends" and it pissed me off so much to see how ignorant she was. I know it's something dumb, but the sheer amount of people on earth that think money is more important that relationships is just insane! Plus you do need connections to make money.


You see people all the time online bragging about their "Bling" and how much they make a year, but you come and look at their life and you start seeing how miserable they are. They have gold-digger girlfriends or non at all, family issues, no ACTUAL friends beyond their followers.

Now personally, I'm an introvert. I like spending time on my own or with one good friend rather than with loads of people, but you need to build strong social skills to make friends. You could be a great guy on the inside who is introverted and shy, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you need to know how to approach people and talk to them.

I had to learn this from experience. I'm was and kinda still is a really shy dude. Most of the time I would just keep to myself and no talk to anyone, mostly because I never found genuinely interesting people to talk too. The issue is when I did find those individuals, I wouldn't know how to talk to them because I never worked on my social skills.

I can't tell you how much people I wanted to talk to and couldn't because I didn't know what to say or how to even start a conversation. I came to the conclusion that if I don't do something about this, I'll be a sad loser 30 year old dude with no friends who spends most of his weekends alone!

So I started talking to people I found boring or not so interesting just to train my skills, so when I do find those individuals that I want to talk to, I know how to approach them. I know this is kinda of a bad thing to do, but this is just how I deal with shyness.

The main point I want to get across is that you need to have exceptional people around you that are acquired through good social skills and great judgement.

No.4: Happiness/ Conclusion

Well, I kinda told you a white lie at the beginning of the post. There is actually Three pillars to the good life. The last one which is happiness is just the result of all the previous things I talked about.

I can assure you that if you do these things right and work on all the things in this post equally, you will reach step four and you will be a happy person.


Once you have all the steps down with enough money, amazing friends, and good health. You will live "The Good Life" :)

PS: I apologize for not posting for a week. I have exams coming up so I gotta study for them. :)


Great post. I totally agree with every word and just want to add that laziness is the biggest fundamental problem. For me, I understand how important is to educate yourself and take a good care of health but very often you just get lazy and lie to yourself finding diffrent excuses so you can do nothing. Discipline is the key

and thanks for sharing your backstory

I agree with you sir. Procrastination is a curse. I hope everyone finds a way to fix their laziness habits including me. I actually was supposed to post this 5 days ago. I had exams but for the most part it's procrastination that stopped me. So I don't practice what I preach a little bit idk. XD

nice your post. its really helpfully for me

I'm happy it helped you out :)

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