Written: More than a dry tree ... By Samuel Gómez.
More than a dry tree.

I always like to highlight the particularities of life, however small and unattractive they are, one of them is that dry tree ... I wonder how long it will be there? For what reason would such a tree dry up with one whose size attracts the attention of anyone at a close distance? ... I probably never know the answer, but it causes me much more intrigue to know the reason why it still follows from foot.
And that's when I learned the lesson ... when I understood that it was not worth falling after a lost battle, that there was no point in shedding tears for an impossible love, that life is the way it comes and that it depends on us to paint it a thousand times. colors, that it does not matter to scream to the void a thousand times that I love you even if you find yourself on the other side of my path, that there are friendships that pass and beats that leave marks ... That as well as that tree, you and I can continue standing ... At the end of the day what really will have value is what is in the deepest part of itself, and it does not matter if a 99.9% does not see your leaves or your fruits ...
There will always be at least 0.1% who will see that you are more than a dry tree ... And you, what do you see?

Written by my author ...
nice post man
Hermoso post, sago. Tiene un gran mensaje, nosotros los seres humanos estamos acostumbrados a ver hasta donde nos alcanza la vista, no vemos un poco más allá, por eso no se le encuentra sentido a muchas cosas. Yo amo las cosas que parecen insignificantes porque esconden cosas muy interesantes.