¿Do you feel guilty for instilling wrong principles in your children when they were children? What can you do at this point??

Well, first of all, talk about the great feelings of guilt that you (the parents) have. There are many parents who complain about something and have painful memories of their failures. Children are very complex and you can not be perfect parents with them.
Often, the pressures of life are great and we become exhausted and irritated; We are driven by our bodies and our emotions that sometimes forbid us to say what is right and be the model that they should. We do not always treat our children without being dominated by their emotions as they wanted to have done; and it is very common for you to look back a year or two after something happened, and see how wrong they were in the way you approach a problem.
Everyone experiences these failures! Nobody does a perfect job!
¿What is consciousness, and how does it operate in the mind??
It is said that the conscience is the place within one, that "we burn if you are not good". Technically speaking, consciousness is a mental faculty, given by God, which allows us to distinguish between good and evil. And guilt is an uncomfortable feeling that is created when we break this internal ethical code of disapproval of conscience that actually says: I should be sorry!
How does consciousness work and what is its nature? And do the feelings of guilt a person has depend in part on what he was taught during childhood?
The subject of consciousness is a very complex and important one. With regard to the influence of instruction, during childhood, on consciousness, it is said that it is not the result of experience, but a capacity of the soul, which has been inherited. The awareness of a person is largely a gift from parents, through their training and
instruction. As well as your approval and your disapproval.
The way in which the first 10 years of life teach what is right, and what is wrong, will never be completely forgotten, although it may be contradicted later.
So, we should not pay attention to our conscience at all?
If we must, as we have seen, many consciences are illuminated by God and we should not overlook that. However, the purpose is not to reduce the importance of consciousness, but to help us interpret its meaning more effectively. The conscience, in its judgment of condemnation (and even of approval) is subject to errors, prejudices produced by what it has seen and heard, and sometimes it is wrong. The feeling of condemnation can not be overlooked, but neither should it be allowed to remain irrefutable.
In my personal opinion, there is a third division of the mind that has the decisions of the emotions and the intellect. It is called "department of the will". This is a vitally important mental faculty because it has to do with the intentions of the person.
I personally believe that guilt should not be considered to come from God unless the behavior has been an expression of willful disobedience.
Well steemit family, I hope you liked my post, I send a big hug, says goodbye @rosquilla
God bless you!