I personally thought about the real value that friends have in our lives... If for a moment we could go to the past to remember the face of so many good friends, life partners who have had and what is important for you.
How many names would you rescue? How long have you not talked to them? Have you tried to establish contact with any of them again?
Several days ago I received a message on the facebook of a good friend from my first years in high school, which I did not know about in a long time. Quickly came the memories of those times, the face of other colleagues, the uncontrollable smile to remember so many good times and the question we all ask ourselves: Where and how will they be? It has been so long...
Really life with all its inevitable movements, most of the time it ends up becoming the reason why we stop seeing each other and sharing... You are the one who chooses your friends, through affinity or empathy that is born In a moment of encounter, but it will depend on both to maintain contact and love alive between the two for a long time. We can not assume that all our relationships reach the same degree of depth.
There will be people with whom we experience greater confidence than with others and that is very natural. That is why it is very important to learn to recognize and value all the good that each person gives us, without being so demanding. Sometimes the opinion that we have of the way of being of our friends, makes us little tolerant, understanding and we end up becoming susceptible and resentful people with them.
Keys to maintain friendship
- Time to share
Friendship is cultivated through affection, details and constant contact. The distance can cool the relationship a bit, but if it was made with true love, a little call, a whasapp or a message to contact it again would suffice.
Invest quality time in your friends
- You have to be tolerant
It is very important to know how to respect the lifestyle of our friends. In addition, accept and respect the decisions they make at any time so we do not agree with them. We can give you our opinion and suggestions taking into account that they have the last word.
- Know how to listen
When we are attentive to what a friend tells us and we do it without interrupting it, without judging it, without distracting ourselves in another matter and observing the eyes... we make it feel valued. Besides, in this way we make a bond of affection and communication.
- Learn to trust
When we betray a friend or he betrays us... we feel that trust is broken. Trusting a friend gives us the freedom to be authentic with him and we know we have a place in his heart where we can be safe.
- Be patient
Having the disposition to similar the weaknesses and bad moments that our friends go through, will help us to be more tolerant and understanding.
Out of everything, we are human and we can make mistakes. The important thing is to recognize and correct our mistakes.
- Forgive
How many times have we been away from a good friend because of a disagreement or misunderstanding? It is worth approaching him to clarify, apologize or forgive if necessary. Do not let a lot of time go by to restore communication.
We can maintain more healthy and lasting relationships if we are willing to forgive without holding on to what others did to us.
- Be loyal
Loyalty to me is one of the essential values in friendship. It gives us the respect, the confidence and the certainty that we can count on that friend unconditionally. Loyalty does not give room for selfishness, envy or lies, much less for treason.
- Maintain a healthy communication
It is good and healthy to be willing to express our feelings, ideas, desires, needs and disagreements at all times. It is also very important to be open to receive what they want to share, taking into account the emotional tone we use and relating the best words and the special moment to do so.
If at this moment you feel alone, look for activities where you can meet and relate to new people. Do it in a place where you feel comfortable and with people with whom you have affinity from the beginning.
I hope that my post has been to your liking, goodbye @rosquilla, I want them <3

Hola Rosquilla, gracias por el aporte, ya te estoy siguiendo! Si me pudieras seguir sería genial,
Espero que agregues contenido pronto para leerte!
P.D. Te he dejado un merecido upvote! ^_^