Life Changing Event.

in #life6 years ago

I had been working for a mulit national company for 37 years as a Human Resource, Training and Health & Safety Manager and was under a great deal of pressure working many hours to try and stay ahead of the game.
One night I was feeling very restless and couldn't understand why, and then something popped into my head ah!! I hadn't completed a budget proposal which was required the very next morning. I got ready and headed to work at 5 a.m. in the morning, when I was about 5 minutes away from work something tradgic happend a car from a side road pulled out in front me I swerved and avoided making contact with it but, I found a hedge and a rather big tree. The person whom I had just missed carried on without stopping. A policeman on his way to work saw the hedge was damaged and saw a dull glimmer of light coming from my car, he came over and put his hand inside and said sorry love I didn't get here in time, to his suprise/shock I answered him. He was dressed in his uniform and that being dark navy blue went to the road to try and flag somebody down as he had forgotten to bring his phone nobody stopped, but then a colleague from his work stopped and called the ambulance etc.
The car was a right off it took them several hours to release me from the wreck, and I was taken to hospital where I was asked one thing the contact number for my husband which I rattled off but I was quiet insistant that they told him not to tell my mother of what had happened.
Injuries sustained were a broken neck, colar bone, shoulder blade, left hand right leg and a totally mutilated left leg and foot. The surgeon who operated on me made every effort he could and saved my left foot that was almost hanging off.
I was fitted with a haleo to support my broken neck and kept in hospital for 3 months.
I tried to claim compensation but because there were no witnesses and I had not made contact with the car that made me swerve and they did not stop I got absolutely nothing except the physical pain and the worry of how I was going to manage. The one thing I did get was a report back saying that I fell asleep at the wheel from the motor insurance board, that made me feel sick to the stomache. All these adverts with people getting awarded thousands for a cut finger what do I get nothing what a world we live in.
My life was changed I now could not do the job I was employed to do but the company were very generous and looked after me for 1 1/2 years on full pay and the next 8 1/2 years of half pay before they retired me on health grounds. What a caring company I worked for they supported me for 10 years.
Today I am in good health but for the gammy left leg and foot that give me a lot of pain. I have tried to start my own internet business but not quite getting the hang of it but will keep trying I have got to stay positive as I did to get my life back.