Investing in yourself

in #life8 years ago

Investing in yourself

If you seriously want to engage in self-development, then one of the most important questions that you should pay attention - this is an investment in yourself. What to invest and how to make these investments as effective as possible, we will describe in this article.

Evolve is possible and necessary in different directions. Depending on your goals, you have to choose priorities and to give them more attention.

There are a few areas that we believe are paramount:

  • Physical health,
  • Mental health,
  • Appearance,
  • skills and abilities.
  1. Health
    Without health rather difficult to conduct any business. But more about that few people think to the onset of an emergency.

It is important to remember is Health - this primarily prevention. A prevention - it is exercise and a healthy lifestyle in general.

It is necessary to exercise regularly. Ideally, do exercises and go to the gym. And you do not need glamor gym, using a simple local. For a start, do not take the money and hire a good trainer to your workouts are not done more harm than good.

For sports you need to connect a healthy diet. Avoid soda, juice (if not their own squeeze), fatty and starchy foods. Your diet should contain more fiber and less fat. And then pretty soon you will feel the lightness in the abdomen.

  1. Psychological health
    Here there are a range of measures, the introduction of life that will help you in any situation to remain level-headed, calm and confident.

To begin to get rid of stress. After all the stress - this is the noise that keeps you from focusing on your thoughts and purposes, he is constantly distracted and does not make you feel happy.

Also, you need to gradually get rid of the complexes that prevent you from living. To do this, you should determine what exactly is bothering you, and choose a way to solve this problem.

Raduyte nearest and dearest to you people. It depends on them in many ways, in which the emotional atmosphere you live.

If you are overwhelmed by negative emotions (anger, irritation, anger), try to use them up, doing physical labor, until you feel tired and lack of negativity.

Most listen to music, especially instrumental. It helps set a positive way!

  1. Appearance
    Your appearance - it's your business card!

In our country - this rule can be multiplied by 10, because, sadly, but in our country still meet on clothes. The way you look, your success depends.

From your appearance depends and your inner spirit. The feeling that you are dressed to the nines, in those things that are perfectly suitable for you, you will radiate confidence, you will notice around. And their attention - this is exactly what you need. You got a chance, and then we must act.

Ruthlessly peretryahnite wardrobe and throw out all the old, worn, and that you will never wear.
Use the services of a stylist or ask her friend having a good taste, help you choose the clothes and teach you to wear at the same time only those things that fit together.
Buy the good stuff and the quality stuff (cheaper to do it abroad).
Try to always look presentable, regardless of the day and your plans. Your style should be with you always. For important business meetings and often occur unexpectedly and at the wrong time.
Always remember one simple rule: should dress for the job you want to have, not the one you have.
© Donald Trump

  1. Skills
    Do you have a specific set of skills and abilities that you have for life.

Now an inventory:
Take a sheet of paper and write down all of your skills, do not hesitate and write what you see fit, in the extreme case, very small stuff can always strike. The more you write, the better, starting with the fast reading and ending with the experience of working with a chainsaw.
On a separate sheet write your goals.
Then take a look at the list of skills. The first thing you must understand is that you are done and you have an impressive amount of skill. This is useful for self-confidence and self-esteem.
The second action: cross off those skills that you do not need for your short-term goals. For example, if you are going to build the IT-business, the ability to handle the landing with a knife is not required.
Look at the remaining points, think about what you are strong, and the weaker and make a decision that you need to develop, and what can be left at the same level.
Divide the resulting list of skills into two types: narrowly focused (make certain the program for the PC) and broadly (public speaking skills, ethics, negotiation, and so on). Next, estimate how much money you need to invest in the development of each skill, and what impact it will in the short and long term.

Now you have to plan when and where you will start to develop themselves.

Here is a sample list of ways to develop the skills:

  • Explore online articles on interesting topics to you,
  • Read a book,
  • Visit the training programs or workshops,
  • Find a guru-preceptor (this was even Steve Jobs).

Remember investment pays for itself!
Good luck!