
Hi Rok,
Perspective is based upon one's inner beliefs.
My interpretation of evolution is Karmic events experienced.
Belief is the secret. What you believe; becomes.
Be well buddy!

mmm... I'd say that isn't so. there are alot of people who believe some crazy-ass shit, but that doesn't make it so - often, it only makes them delusional. lol.

I disagree.
Don't matter what they believe is what you believe.

Only you that think that it's crazy; that's your belief.

Think about it brother....

Ponderous, indeed.

But perhaps, by broadening our vision to encompass multiple points of
view, we shall access a wealth of wisdom in the middle ground between
opposing beliefs that enable us to make increasingly better choices and
decisions of how to respond in the face of uncertainty and seeming chaos.

Ever notice what is inside of all beLIEfs?

Hehe. Nice catch. Keen observation. ;-)

Etymology is a thing with me. Eye dissecting...

Highly rEsteemed!
Big Upgrade!

This is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing this and the previous post in the series! I'm going to bookmark this for further study.

I read the first part and was a little critical, but I held my tongue to see where it was going. Glad I waited. I simply love Manly P Hall too, cool reference. Also, I used the same stock image of the S&C in one of my many blogs about being a Mason.

Excuse me. I have a question. Which software do you use to make the last gif?

I didn't make it, came across via Pinterest/tumblr.

To be honest I really didn't understand a lot of what you said. You used words that make its interpretation vague in many paragraphs.

Great information thanks for sharing

That was a fun read. Paths are open for me to a better and more influential version of myself

Excellent Roc. I was considering the story of the Garden of Eden, in which there is no right and wrong, which is seen as the ultimate place to be. However it was our choice to know of the Tree of Good and Evil, that led us out of this place.
Not being a big fan of the way the story unfolded, however there is some wisdom in that can be gleaned from it.
Along with desire to know, comes a desire to compare the difference between good and not good, ie judgement . Or else the tree doesn't exist. ?
We seem to consider we want the ultimate of " living in a Garden of Eden of our own making", so we seek it in wealth, mortgages, best friends, and all require judgement or ego attachment, this is mine and I like yours because I have the idea that it will get me closer to my self created "Garden of Eden". And all this requires judgement. Whereas if we are able to unattach ourselves from good and bad, and judgement and just accept it all as part of life's process, then we may be able to experience the bliss in any situation.
In Buddhism this is non attachment, be aware of things and move on and when you become aware of them again, they will have changed.
It is time that humanity realised that is our own responc- ability to see a flow of learning and creating from our particular passion, and stop blaming outside obstructions, to our idea of seeking to create "our idea of our "Garden of Eden""
It is our attachments that cause us the pain.
In this bliss of living in the moment and not judging, that we find a higher source of us comes through, such as when you are writing, it just flows.
So in writing our own lives from a place of non judgement and simply expressing our own passion, we can find the "Us", that is not ego driven comes through and fulfills what we are here for.
If we had not experienced duality we would not appreciate Unity, a bit like burning your hand on the stove as a child, you then get to appreciate the pain.
However you now know how to use the stove to cook your food and provide for your family.
I think, that is where we have come to in our maturity. We know know the pain from the experience of life, and its time to appreciate the Unity we get when we connect with Life writing us, from being non attached to outcomes.
I totally agree, that "life" is moving very fast now, and it will get faster from my research.
This is life giving us no time to "Think" as Yoda says, "Don't Think, Just Do"
Life is providing us with the circumstance, where we have no choice. If we try to control it we go into breakdown, as we see all around us.
Just doing, comes from another place, than thinking.
What is that "Other Place", I wonder. ?

Life is providing us with the circumstance, where we have no choice. If we try to control it we go into breakdown, as we see all around us.

to control Nature one must first obey Her. Masonic elites have understood this but use it against mankind

Sure, the elites understand these things and have worked with and manipulated them to control humanity through fear and deceit , however I consider that if humanity can also understand and raise our frequencies, we align with nature "mother earth" and break free from their influence.

which comes first, awareness of frequency?

that's a tough one:) But I'd say that both work in sync

A baby doesn't have a conscious awareness of frequency, it just expresses itself. However as we get more mature we can become aware and work with or intentionally create frequencies in our environment, (ie music). So I don't think there is a first, maybe there is something that came before both of them..? ))


I agree with this BUT man has yet to resolve his attachment to materialism which throws all these values out of whack

great insight delivered... am very glad that esotericism has its own platform on steemit. Manly P Hall, Walter Russell and Khrisnamurti are my absolute favs. Take a peak at my blog when you have time

upvoted and followed

Thanks for properly-thoughtful comment.

Usually, when someone swings by asking to be followed and not contribute much to the discussion, I quickly disregard and carry on - however you provided enough substance i thid reply that I did check out your page and looks like there is indeed some great content there.

Your example to others of how such is tl be done is appreciated. :-)