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RE: The True Story Of My 50 Pound Magic Crystal - How it found me and how it protects my home - Do you believe in magic?

in #life8 years ago

That's a really beautiful crystal! :)

And to answer your question, no, I personally do not believe in magic and I don't see why you would believe that the crystal is magical when you realize yourself that you can't prove it which in my opinion means that there is no good reason to believe it. Still, nothing wrong with having a this beautiful piece of crystal in your house and being happy about it.


I see your point but there is another way of seeing it, for example...

I can't prove my better half loves me, but I believe it to be true.

Thanks for giving my post attention, much appreciated :o)

Sure, it's a pleasure :)

I'm sure you have a lot more evidence that your better half loves you than that the crystal is magical. You have all their past behavior to go on and you can demonstrate it to a much higher degree of certainty. You can't be 100% sure, but it's most probably a more reasonable belief than a magic crystal. Also, we have much better scientific understanding of love than magic and you can in fact demonstrate that a thing that can be called love is a real process that happens in our bodies and brains. Magic on the other hand is something that has pretty much failed whenever it has been claimed and subsequently tested.

Still, a really awesome crystal nonetheless!

All the best! :)

I can tell you love a good debate as do I my friend but I'll be the first to admit I'd have an uphill battle trying to prove magical stones exist, honestly I just don't know.

I believed that I had enough empirical evidence to write this post but in all actuality the phenomenon I've experienced with people feeling good at the property may not have anything to do with the stone at all but rather with me.

But I couldn't prove that either :o)

I do indeed :)

I don't know is always acceptable, we can't know everything. I think your second hypothesis is much more likely ;)

You could actually try some experiments by removing yourself and/or the stone to check how people would feel about the place :P But yeah, that would be a bit too much ;)