May this post bring him light and peace, on the other side. And may his living relations find comfort and joy by this piece. May all your dreams be mysterious, and wondrous, and full of stories...

[Original Poem by Robyn Eggs]
Rain falls from Father's face
Pain ripples 'round
And I'd give anything to erase
The years upon his face
And his heavy trod, upon the ground
Rain falls from Father's face
Feeds the ground
And life springs with grace
Its body decked with lace
And joy draped 'round
Wind blows through Father's hair
Tangling him, distorting the world
Causing him to wear
Causing him to tear
And fear unfurled
Wind blows through Father's hair
Blowing away his sorrow
Taking away all care
Stripping all evil bare
And blowing woes, into the 'morrow
Snow drapes Father's head
Freezing him through and through
Rendering him cold and dead
Weighing him down like lead
And drowning him in its sloe
Snow drapes Father's head
Covering him in purity
Healing his wounds of red
Wetting the body, which bled
And blending him for security
Dedicated to all of us who have lost Fathers, Mothers, children, spouses, or anyone near and dear...
That's my Dad, on the left. He joined the Navy right away, and set off for a whirlwind of adventure that would make for many, epic stories to come. He was in the Korean War. Photos are from 1957.
Being that my Dad was 22 years older than my Mother, he was always mysterious. He had led the majority of his life, before I was even born. I had always wondered, what that might have felt like, or looked like, or been.
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This post deserve more what it got. I hope it do well.
Such a amazing post