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RE: A Political Puppet Show For a World Police State

in #life7 years ago (edited)

People need to exit the system.
Stop playing the game.
Stop voting,
Stop paying extortion.
Stop complying with their silly laws.
Become self sufficient - grow food, sprout sprouts, avoid supermarkets as they do not sell food.
Ask yourself, do you need to be governed by some dick head?.

The only way to win is through our pockets, example if people boycotted airports and all airlines because of TSA and customs conduct around the world. Within a short time, you would have them back down.
Of course, they may blow up a few planes, to say "see we told you, you need us". Then it needs to be back to boycott again and show no fear. We would, of course, have the airlines with us and all airline staff so it would be a great test to see if it worked. Airlines hate government just as much as we do.

I always wanted the "take a chance airline" to start up. No security no crap. Freddie Laker did it back in the 1970's but BA and Quantas killed him off (worlds first budget airline, zero Frills) but security was nothing back then.

Rich and Poor all hate government. I never met anyone who liked government, the poor do not like as they do not get enough and the rich hate government as they steal half their money.

If we all agree government is evil, then why have it? What if, as an opening shot, we all voted NONE OF THE ABOVE, handwritten across ballot form.

Maybe after the next crash people will finally awaken and totally turn against government but perhaps it's too late. by then.