Are we in a matrix? Is life but a dream? Are we simulations within a simulation?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

President Obamas science adviser Professor James Gates a physicist has found computer code in the fabric of our reality. Specifically, computer code not so different from the code in internet search engines and browsers. Even more specific than that is these codes match codes written in the 1940's by another scientist named Claud Shannon. This is the root of stringtheory. This confirms what anyone who has ever experienced deja vu already senses. This is a repeat, refresh, refresh or reload of the matrix. If we are in a computer simulation and If you compound the rate of our current technological advancements we have gone from telegraphs to quantum computers in only about a century or so. If I am not mistaken, although I could be wrong , I think we are already able to manipulate reality using quantum computers? I also suspect that the colliding of atoms (cern) unleashing the super power of anti-matter which rips apart our matrix like a super virus which we cannot possibly control. Playing God? Not so much. More like the beings for which we are a video game avatar? Not that either. I know the true nature of man? It is man made from man. We are electrons reacting to ourselves and each other. Is this is the ultimate truth of our existence? Is it string theory? One thing is for certain we are all connected in steemit over a network of computers and browsers. These computers are sending out digital ones and zeros to communicate our keystrokes back and forth over the internet. These keystrokes merely create codes which command our processors to act accordingly. So, our brain tells us what to type and the computers brain sends our commands to other computers and on and on. Do you see the pattern? The universe seems to act like a computer same as our brains? So, imagine what can be done with a quantum computer?Is the universe a quantum computer? What about minds? This is a theory of life based on computer codes found in string theory and the universe itself. This is the matrix theory. Why would any being create itself and then forget what he is or made? How is this possible? The answer is observation. when we observe people we essentially spiritually create them into our world. How? Multiverse thats how? But thats a whole other story. Anyway, I am tired and need to power down until next time take care everyone, I appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you for reading my post.


well. the next big question is

"Who simulated our simulator-guy that created us as simulations?"

When your question produces more questions then don't bother asking it.

Everyone Created EveryONE. No other possible answers or questions.

too complicated. There are billions of sperms in your testicles and people grow exponentially. if your theory is correct then everytime someone masturbates the state of the universe changes.

yes but not in a way that you think. Specifically, its the same universe always. Because everyone accounts for everyone. The number is always the same which is infinity. My evidence is that there is no time and matter is not created or destroyed.

I don't think you understand what you are saying. You are just combining words together.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Right now you are just talking out of your ass

Created yes, destroyed no, I which seems ironic. I but that's why universes exist

Yes but probably not in a way you may immediately think

Then, how do YOU think we exist?

Consensus reality.
Also 'qsoul' the porting and taking advantage of gravitational time dilation.
I'll be post on it.
