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RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam

in #life7 years ago

I'll be your social justice warrior. Your article is complete garbage and you are probably a garbage person also.

Most of your article is what you and western media believe about Islam, not what Muslims believe about Islam. I'll counter a few points, but not really interested in challenging extremist ideologies.

literally no human beings benefit from the existence of Islam

Islam gave us doctors, hospitals, and all sorts, and spread that tech to the West. And they were socially way ahead of us during the Ottoman empire (very gay friendly), but regressed.

The Koran is just a more up to date hardfork of the bible. You can take quotes and read into them anyway you want. From y own reading of it, it is a chill religion which emphasizes doing good, and not hurting people. Even says that Christians and Jews are cool, and there is a signed document that still exists from Mohamed saying not to harm them or their places of worship. Of course lots of religious people don't follow their books or prophets.

On war and terrorism. The Christian terrorism named "war on terror" has claimed millions and millions of lives, making any Muslim terrorism look like child's play.

I'll also be your politically correct loser.

Violence and violent crimes within a population increase as inequality increase. It is a bit funny pointing at a religion and saying "that's the one there! He did it! He raised that crime!" :D

You are correct though about the PC culture preventing police and others from looking into real stuff going on, which is a shameful thing about this country.

I spent 6 months in Pakistan. Dwarfism was common in some country areas. Mainly because the Koran says to give your first cousin preference in marriage :D (Something which people are beginning to drop).
It was very nice to visit a Muslim country. People are a lot nicer and more respectful. And they wonder why we hate them.

Anyway your article comes off as a hateful piece strung together with whatever you could find to support your views.

Being a younger person (your views sound way old), I have a lot of friends in the UK who are Muslim. I would love to import more of their Islam.


You know nothing of history. The so called golden age of islam was a periode where islam stood relatively weak. Islam kills innovation free thought and technology. Name one nobel prize winner from a muslim country. Islam did not give us doctors. What are you even?

Coulf you explain to 100.000 british girls how they were raped and tortured for the greater good of multiculture? Great.

You are retarded.

The hospital was one of many great achievements of medieval Islamic society.

And lots of nobel prize winners have been Muslims from Muslim countries.

You have access to the internet and can educate yourself, but instead you stick to cult of anti-intellectualism.

Why do people like you even exist?

Cool. Send me a link to nobel price winning muslims! :)

But I can do it for you..1,4% of all nobel price winners have been muslims - and I suspect most of them have been the winner of "peace price" which we all know is a bullshit prize.

They like to mention a physicist in 1971 that won lol

So they are 2 billion people and stand for 1,4% of nobel prizes...impressive. what if they "invented" hospitals? Point is that most of the inventions and progress made during the golden age of islam was because it happened during a period where islam was very weak. After that period islam has been strong. Tell me what kind of innovations has come out of muslim countries the last 300 years?


Are you going to look those 100,000 12 year old british working class girls who's vaginas are destroyed forever that that happened for the greater good in the eyes or not?

I guess not.

But you're very good at name calling :)

Maybe It(following awards) can help you the minimum to decide about of Muslim.Not only this but also a lot of noble prize winning examples are available all over the world.Just you need to open your eyes.Please, don't blame us.We don't like debating.We are always fond of peace.So, brother please don't misunderstand us.
Peace Muslim.PNG

1,4% of winners are muslims. You are 2 billion people. You are clearly no math genius yourself..

Btw..these are "peace price winners" which we all know is not real nobel prizes. Just politically correct show. Obama won that price ...says it all. A war mongerer.

And what do you mean? You don't like debating? No..we notice that. You behead and kill people who don't blindly accept your bullshit. You're not fond of peace at all.You are a religion of war. And right now you have very cleverly invaded the western world and you are fighting us from within. I must say well done. And I'm not even sure if I support the west. We're so fucking stupid and naive that we probably deserve to go extinct.

Colonialism is one of many reasons why muslim and arab countries don't have a bigger percentage in nobel prize winners most of those countries got their fake"independence" in the late 50s and 60s.

Colonialism and the ramification it brings is still present to this day

dont blame islam for isis (aka alkaida2.0 aka US proxy army ).isis is a POLITICAL terror group created and armed by the US for advancing her own agenda.

If colonization was so great for the west how come they abandoned them? How comd they did that after the war when europe was in ruins. Makes no sense if colonies were so profitable. In fact is they were not. They was a loss to the british and french. Besides...the most successful coyntries in scandinavia did not have colonies. So explain how having colonoies stopped arabs from having prize winners.

Youre just repeating anti whitd propaganda and self hatred without thinking for 5 seconds.


There was nothing anti white there. You sound ridiculous, go back to school and stop watching so much racist TV.


You can see my post about of Islam.Maybe, It can help you to know about of our great religion. Please, don't blame anyone or any person for your lacking knowledge of this person or religion.
Allah Said in Holy Quran-

O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
So, try to think about of this religion.
History/man deeds cannot be an example.For that reason, you can't blame all of us.The main theme of Islam is "Peace".

You may have overseen something important regarding the interpretation of the Quran: The rule of abrogation.

keep repeating your made up statistics, that have been repeated without any citation on a number of occasions now. It won't be any more true the 10th time you sprout that horse shit than it was the 1st time.

The 1.4% its the first google search on wiki 🤣🤣

except there was no mention of 1.4% in the post that I was replying to....

Care to explain which statistics you are asking for then?

Literally the only statistic that was mentioned in the comment I replied to. Why don't you work that out for yourself champ?

I agree with you,, I have write or maybe litle similiar like you say, but my english not good then I write in Indonesian Language. thanks for your contribution. nice to know you. best regard.

"Most of your article is what you and western media believe about Islam, not what Muslims believe about Islam."

Right, because they totally weren't factual statistics from various government offices and private watchdogs in the UK. LOL.

Jump in and defend that +27% murder rate in one year any time.

Your utter lack of citations make for a very poor argument against well-established statistics.

You hand-wave away massive increases to violent crimes directly linked to a clear demographic.

"I spent 6 months in Pakistan. Dwarfism was common in some country areas. Mainly because the Koran says to give your first cousin preference in marriage :D (Something which people are beginning to drop)."

It would seem you are seeing the reason why I am against Islam. Not sure why you spent the rest of the comment arguing with me, as we appear to want the same thing (better life for people negatively affected by nonsense.)

The rest of your comment is the whataboustism I already dismissed. Further, Western Governments run amok are not doing it in the name of Christianity - so your claims of a "Christian war on terror" are really complaints about another thing I write about regularly - government corruption.

Haven't heard about the Pope launching any holy wars lately, have you?

Ps - Agreed on Ottoman Empire, in some ways. Islam is at a huge regression point, which is kind of my point. It's barbaric and operating on a year 1500 level. Anything like that in the modern age deserves to be eradicated. Islam is practically at the "witch-burning" level of logic in 2018.
