Difficulties or challenges?

in #life6 years ago

"Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realise it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it."

We all know that there is no one perfect in this world; our lives are like running bar charts. There will always be ups and downs in our life, these ups and downs are challenges. When you lose a challenge, there will be two options in front of you.one; is to regret or give up and the other is to move on. When you win a challenge, you will get a reward.SO what's the secret sauce in this; it's simple "sticking with it".If you want to create a successful business or create a great marriage or learn a new skill then "sticking with it" is the best formula. There will always be obstacles while your doing a challenge and your path will never be clear, you somehow have to dodge those obstacles.


The obstacles which I am talking about are toxic and jealous people. These people will try to stray you from, your path by hurting you or confusing you. Once a great motivational speaker told her story of how she faced obstacles in her life, people use to make fun of her because of her bad English. One day she was given an English homework from his teacher. The next day after checking her homework his teacher shouted in a taunting way in front of everyone in the class saying that, 'please I request you to never speak or write in English ever again, it's so good that it has extended its limits and now its the worst'.Everyone laughed but she did not give up, she worked days and nights and did a PhD in English literature. After the story, she told in her speech that everyone in life has a bright light.light of your dreams and your hard work. When toxic people see that light in you, they will say dimmer your light, dimmer your light it's too bright I can't see, and at that moment you have to say, "I'm not gonna dimmer my light, I'm gonna put some shades on".


Failure or hardship in life is common, and ok the point here is that you have to learn from your mistakes, move on and stick with your goals. There are two advantages of failure one is that you will learn and the other is that the identity of toxic people is exposed. You will recognise the ones who were there for you when everyone turned away. Failure is not the opposite of success but its a part of success so whenever someone calls you a loser, feel proud don't let your whole twenty-four hours get wasted by someones 2 minutes of dismay. 

 Enjoy, chill and believe in yourself!
