What Do We May Like to Think That People Operate Independent of Our Actions
We may like to think that people operate independently of our actions but this is not the case. We are all bound to one degree or another to react to circumstances and make decisions. We may like to think that it is out of our hands, but this is not the case. People have choices and we choose which ones we allow to affect us.
If someone is hurting us, they are trying to hurt us back. This is just one way that they are communicating with us and they may not know how to communicate effectively. They do not necessarily need to hurt us in order for us to hurt them back. The fact that they are putting their lives and ours in danger tells us that they recognize that we can hurt them if we do not choose to do so.
This does not mean that we should never take control of the situation or be abusive to them. We just need to be sure that we have some kind of control over them. We should not be too harsh on them either. People who are trying to manipulate us sometimes will resort to extreme tactics. We may want to think that all people are like this, but that is not true.
There are times when people deliberately try to hurt us. They may like to think that this is their way of getting us to do what they want. In many cases, this is not successful because we are unwilling to give up our power. We may like to think that we can easily avoid having to deal with them if we choose not to. The truth is that this is a very difficult situation to deal with.
Another thing that we may like to think that people operate independent of our actions is when they agree with us and are sympathetic to what we are saying. When someone likes to persuade us this way, it usually means that they do have our best interest in mind. They are not out to simply win us over. They want to do something good for us. It could be that they are concerned about our long term health or even trying to make sure that we are not injured in a car accident. That is the kind of person that we would want to listen to.
We may also like to believe that people will act according to their own feelings. They may be hurt and may harbor deep grudges against others. However, we must realize that there are some people who will be completely unsympathetic to our plight. They may believe that what they are doing is right and that no amount of yelling will change anything.
We may like to think that people are always working toward good things for us. Unfortunately, there are some people who will use their power to hurt others and to take advantage of the kindness and compassion of others. This is a person who may never see an opportunity to help. Their selfishness will blind them to what's really important.
We may like to think that people are consistently making the right decisions and that there is nothing we can do about it. Sadly, this is often not true. We may not be aware of the opportunities around us that we can take advantage of. When we do find such opportunities, it can change our lives in a positive way.
We may think that people only care about themselves. While it's true that sometimes people will purposely hurt others in order to get what they want, it is also true that sometimes people are unintentionally causing harm when they have a better option available. For example, a pregnant woman may accidentally injure herself while taking prenatal vitamins. Even though she should have received proper instruction, she chose to do what felt comfortable at the time.
We may like to think that people operate independent of our actions because we have the ability to control those things. Unfortunately, sometimes we are unable to control the things that happen to us. Whether it's excessive weight gain or pregnancy complications, these things are beyond our control. However, it's still our responsibility to take care of ourselves and to keep our bodies healthy so that we can live as healthy as possible.
Although some things are out of our control, like an eating disorder, it doesn't mean that all hope is lost. The key to long-lasting happiness is choosing to feel good about life and taking responsibility for our own actions. If we choose to take responsibility for our own life, we can make positive changes and learn how to be happy without always blaming others or using others as a crutch. Instead of looking for someone else to make things better, we need to learn to create good experiences in our own lives.
Good information