Stop others from controling you

in #life7 years ago

Criticism, manipulation, judgment and constant lowering are thrown at our faces everyday both by society and people around us.


Where does these attacks come from ?

Your own family

Since we are kids, we are targets of the opinions of others, especially our parents. Now, I know that the majority of parents out there wishes the best for their children, but unfortunately, they are not exempt from making mistakes, and leading the kids to dark places...

When you are a kid, you cannot make the difference between what exists and what doesn't, or between first and second degree : everything your parents say is the absolute truth. Children have no filter to select what to incorporate and what to reject into their belief construct. This way, whenever a parent say to his child things like

« You are unable to do that ! »
« You're stupid ! »
« You will never be able to do this ! »

the child integrate it all ! And all those limiting beliefs are deeply rooted into their subconscious, which is way stronger that the conscious mind.

If you were raised in a family where you were criticized all lowered all the time, you then had to grew up facing your own limiting beliefs, unable to see beyond those statements that became your truth.

Society and media

Everyday we are bombarded by advertisments that convince us that we are not pretty enough, that we should have THAT size and THAT shade of tan, THAT hairstyle and THAT kind of clothes, because THIS superstatr has the same ! In order to sell more and more products, everything is made to make you believe that you have to buy that slimming cream and that brand of make-up, because if you don't use it, you will never fit in the acceptable people of today's society.

Buy this !
Buy that !
Wear this !
Consume that !

Everything has became a business, even the most priceless things on earth : love is a blooming business since few years, with the appearing of countless dating sites ; spirituality, that has never been so polluted by greedy gurus, use all the suffering in the world to gather as many devoted as possible into their sects ; false charities, hypocrite politics, …

Medias have all the reasons on earth to scare you as much as possible : the more you are hypnotized by their articles and their coverages, the more they amass money. So, of course they will show you the most terrifying events that happened, and never talk about the good news that occurs each day, all around the world.

Persons that manipulate you

Most people around you want you to be just like they want you to be ! They wish you to be like this, and like that, so, everything you do, say, or are, that is not in accordance with what they've planned for you is unacceptable . They will criticise and lower your opinions until you change your mind and align with theirs.

Those people do not accept that the world is not what they wish to be. They think that things and people HAVE TO OBEY THEIR desires... Stop listening to them.

What to do to stop being manipulated ?

Freeing yourself from limiting beliefs
To break the limiting beliefs that have been rooted during your childhood, you will need a strong work on your subconscious mind ! Positive affirmations are the strongest tool to use because, what you say out loud, you ear it with your whole being, and it's way more effective that just thinking those positive affirmations.

If you have struggled with money your entire life, chances are it's because you have limiting beliefs about wealth, your parents have probably repreated again and again that rich people are superficial and nasty, that money is evil, etc. Then you will need to reboot your beliefs about wealth with positive affirmations about money.

Stop others to consider you like an object
Learning psychology, body language and manipulative methods will help you spot the narcissists and self-centered people who want to use you.

But the most efficient way you will stop others from manipulate you, is by being yourself, and shine with your true inner self ! When you are in harmony with the person you're really inside, your aura will talk for you. Have you ever cross the path of a person, and being let sppechless by the energy that glows from that person ? When you are around someone like this, you cannot help but admire the way they embrace their personnality.

Always be careful about the subtles manipulators around you.

If you are not yourself, you will soon become someone else's puppet !

Thanks for reading.

Peace to all of you !