Beer Review

in #life7 years ago

So last night I was all over the place when it came to what beer i wanted to drink. Started off with New Belgiums new seasonal Tartastic. I really like sour beers so i had a lot of hope for this one but it kinda let me down. It was smooth and you could taste a lot of the raspberry and lime but it tasted flat and off somehow. Over all it wasnt a bad beer but not something that i would go out of my way for.

Next I had Eclptics new seasonal Phaser Hazy IPA. Im still kinda new to hazy IPAs, but this one was really good. Smooth flavor, hoppy and bitter with out over doing it. And it was hazy, I know your thinking well yea dumbass its in the name but ive had some that were chucky not hazy. But over all a very good IPA for anyone that likes that.

Lastly was Schofferhofer's new Pomegranate Bier. I was a fan of the normal Grapefruit one but this one is a hell of a lot better. More flavor, easier to drink. If your not familiar with this beer, it is a great summer beer for everyone. and you should never be able to get buzzed or drunk off it because the ABV is only 2.5%. Over all a really good easy drinking beer.