dalam kehidupan sehari- hari arsitek sering di defenisikan sebagai tukang gambar, baik dalam proyek pemerintah maupun swasta. tahukan anda apa itu arsitek?
I love it when I find an article that makes me feel good while I'm reading. It's a beautiful point that flows with the current shift happening in humanity. I believe people want to do better and we are evolving into a more loving society.
you are a good writer..
mari kita bahas lebih jauh profesi seorang arsitek!!
Halo, apa kabar @reja? Ini posting yang bagus dan sudah kami upvote.. 😁
makasih @puncakbukit
I love it when I find an article that makes me feel good while I'm reading. It's a beautiful point that flows with the current shift happening in humanity. I believe people want to do better and we are evolving into a more loving society.
you are a good writer..