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RE: Finding Your Unique Voice

in #life8 years ago

Wow, that's an amazing and inspirational journey @reddust! Thank you for having the courage to be YOU... yes, I know it's all we really can be, but it's not always easy to shed the layers we wrap around ourselves-- for protection, and whatever else.


I think that's how we make our art our way of life, that art of living! Thank you @reddragonfly!

Creativity-- whether from writing, drawing (doodling!) or other outlets-- has probably been my best "therapist" since my teen years.

Yeah, at the time I didn't know I was saving myself, I could of gotten into drugs, sex, and rock and roll. I lost many friends to drugs and was offered many times to prostitute myself...

After years of work I truly believe the only one who can truly heal you of illness is yourself...

Science based doctors and psychologist still haven't figured out how to heal a broken heart ;-)