THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago


“I bargained with life for a penny,
And life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store

For life is a just employer
He gives you what you ask but
Once you have set the wages
Why, you must bear the task

I worked for a menial’s hire
Only to learn, dismayed that
Any wage I had ask of life,
Life would have willingly paid”
By the poet from the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Oxford dictionary defines the subconscious as “the part of the mind which one is not fully aware but which influences one action and feelings”. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind below the level of conscious thinking or awareness

Imagine (and this has happened to me a few times and most probably has happened to each and every one of us at one time or the other) that you were writing a book and got stuck on a chapter and did not know how to proceed further or wanted to achieve a seemingly impossible goal like making a million dollars but due to the humongous nature of the task felt it was almost impossible to achieve at first but then decided to break it into smaller parts that you feel your mind might be able to give you the solution, ultimately achieving the initial goal.
You decide to break the million dollar goal to a more achievable one like making or collecting $10 from a 100000 persons. You might actually think within yourself that it is nearly impossible to achieve at first but then you decide to continue thinking anyway because the goal was so important to you and you wouldn’t just accept defeat so easily. At first we wouldn’t get anywhere but if we were the type of person that applied his mind often we might actually begin to get at something within hours or minutes but most often we wouldn’t. We decide to go to bed at night with the thought on our mind. We wake up the following morning with a slight a headache with the question just at the background of our mind and we engage on our morning routine. If we were to persist further, within minutes or even seconds it occurs suddenly that we could introduce a new character to our book or try to offer a service to about a million people with the target of getting a 100000 person giving you a $10 ultimately making you achieve your goal of $1,000,000. At this sudden discovery me get some hope or even become confident that we are getting somewhere and might be able to achieve our goal. If we persist on our thoughts even if not immediately we get the right character to introduce to our story or what service to offer the million person or even how to get a wide range of persons without much stress from our part.

The Subconscious mind is the underlying part of the mind that maintains the efficient working of the human body and wholeness of the soul. It is the infinite part of the man that is not constrained by boundaries neither by the human body. The subconscious mind is the mind in its fullness and wholeness. It is the depth for which the conscious mind is able to be aware of , remember, focus and make rational thought on a day to day basis. The Subconscious mind is an infinite well of knowledge and wisdom that could process any information and solve any question given to it with the proper motivation. The subconscious mind is a dynamo of knowledge – most gathered from your own life.
The Conscious mind on the other hand is the topmost part of the subconscious mind on which rational and controlled thought and impulses are weighed and acted on. Just as 5% of the Iceberg is visible part of the subconscious mind. In reality the mind is just one being, an endless whole whose infinite nature requires it to be segmented into the conscious and the subconscious so as not to pull the being into its depth. The conscious mind is then conscious part of the subconscious mind. It is the gate and at the same time the watchman of the gate of the subconscious mind. Its main primary purpose is to sieve and determine what goes into the subconscious mind. It is then part of the mind through which information gets impressed into the subconscious mind and the subconscious relates to its host.

The subconscious mind operates in vibration, impulses or thought impressed into by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind on its own is an endless abyss of knowledge and magnetism but without the grace of choice. It is like a well in which anything can be deposited and drawn from without as much discrimination as a computer is to the information inputted and drawn from it. It is also without the ability to act or judge except on instructions given to it usually by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind cannot choose within thoughts an decide among emotions. It selects only the most impressed and felt emotions and choice.
“Our Subconscious mnd have no sense of humour, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about will manifest in our lives.” Rfbert Collier

The Conscious mind is used to think and whatever is habitually thought of sinks into the subconscious mind because that is how the subconscious mind operates. Impressions and vibrations that are powerful and reinforced from thee conscious mind sinks into the subconscious mind and thereby becomes processed by it whether positive or negative. Psychologist have pointed out over the years that when thoughts are passed into the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind acceptgs the idea, it proceed to put it into effect by association of ideas and every knowledge gathered in the life time of the person to achieve its purpose.

Psychologist and hypnotists have over the years discovered that the subconscious mind s affected by suggestions regardless of how true or false it is. It iis prone to accept a suggestion no matter how believable or spurious it is. If a hypnotist suggests to his student that he is unable to move or that he is an animal in hypnotist induced state (which is the state the subconscious mind is more open to suggestions) the person would be unable to move or act as an animal even if no longer induced no matter how temporary. If it is suggested that scorpions were at the back of the individual then person would have no choice than to really feel as if scorpions were at his back and would experience symptoms of scorpions moving at his back even if there was nothing really there.
It should therefore be noted that the subconscious mind responds mostly and can be altered with the use of Suggestions or more accurately by the use of autosuggestion.

“Only one thing registers on the subconscious: repetitive application – pratice. What you practice is what you manifest.” Fay Weldon


Any wage I had ask of life,
Life would have willingly paid”
By the poet from the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

That IS the key to success!

You have done well in learning about the subconscious mind. I am much older and have big dreams and therefore big challenges.

What I can offer or suggest, and in summary:

  • the conscious mind are structured and sets limits and rules to keep us safe and alive
  • the subconscious mind is just the opposite - it knows no limits and it feeds on the "problems" and "demands" that you go to bed with, and, the more the better and the more difficult the better


  • do not break your dreams or goals down for the subconscious mind! but, make it big! scary big! for the subconscious mind
  • have something to write next to your bed or where you sleep to write down the answers that your subconscious mind gives you

All the best!