Chaarisma is nothing but Sex EnergysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

In 2011, Philip Zimbardo gave a ted talk titled “The Demise of guys” where he talked about the impact of games and porn on men. In 1937 Napoleon hill also wrote a phenomenal book titled Think and grow rich in which he dedicated the Eleventh chapter to Sex transmutation where he he also tried to explain the effect of sex on the mind and body and how it could be channeled to achieve riches. Over the years the topic has remained unstudied or understudied and and those who claim to have studied it have over time misled us probably not from ignorance but from failure to truly understand the concept of sex and the importance of the sexual fluid in us and while it must be preserved for instance it has been said that Sex is one of man physiological needs and therefore should be satisfied. Though this is true to an extent because evolution made it so, so that procreation of the human race will never be stopped, it isn’t however true that this desire must be satisfied as long as your goal is beyond procreation on earth.

The life force of man is contained in the spermcell cause it is through this sperm that procreation must occur. It is probably no news anymore that the human releases about 400 – 500 million sperm cells per ejaculation and only one is needed to fertilize the female egg so that procreation might occur but very few of us are knowledgeable of what a single sperm cell contains. A single sperm cell is made up of a lot of elements which include cholesterol, fructose, ascorbic acid, sodium, citric acid, vitamin C, Vitgamin B12, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, zinc, chloride among many other elements and these elements are very important in the makeup and energy levels in man and a single ejaculation releases torrents of this. For example Spermine which is also found in the sperm cells is a natural anti- depressant and also help to diminish wrinkles and acne while at the same time helping in hair growth.
At first ejaculation of this sperm cells might seem unnoticeable to the body as the body had over the years has stored excess sperm cells and the body remakes this sperm cells as soon as it is depleted especially during the youth of ones life. But consistent ejaculation is not without its consequences as the body strains to replenish the lost energy and therefore the vital organs of the body – kidney, liver and even the brain must contribute to the renewal of this lost energy because man must always be ready be ready for procreation.
“With frequent ejaculation of sperm vitality ultimately plummets. The big spender loses stamina, his vision begins to weaken, hair tumbles from his skull: he grows old before his time. At first he will not feel drained, but after years of abuse his capacities will begin to drop alarmingly. When the hormonal secretions of the sexual glands are regularly leached out, the body is sapped at its root. Within a period of time that will range from months to de- cades depending on the endowment of the individual, creative and sexual abilities are halved, and the ability to withstand disease and the frailties of old age is diminished” – Mentak Chia from the book Taoist Secret of Love

For us to understand the reason why people who masturbate experience what they do, we must first understand the benefit of semen and testosterone produced in the testicles to us.

  1. It increses energy level in the body through the increased production of healthy Red blood cell
  2. It increases the level of libido in men as lower libido is caused by lower testosterone (though the production of testosterone reduces s man grows older)
  3. It improves the level of concentration in man
  4. It improves the male sexual prowess as testosterone help in the production of sperm which promotes penis growth and helps correct erectile dysfunction.
  5. It improves the functioning to vital organs of the body egliver, kidney spleen through production of red blood cell
  6. It increases protein synthesis and calcium which improves muscle mass and strength and helps to control the body fat.
  7. It helps to boost athletic performance as well as male aggression
  8. It greatly improves hair growth and quality.
    Regular ejaculation makes the body bleed of all the benefits that would have accrue with the retainment of sexual energy as when they are retained in the body and do not have means of escape they slip back into the body through the blood saliently and help to improve all body functions. And more importantly the whole components of the body including the brain must contribute to the replenishment of the sperm cells as procreation is more important to nature than any function that the body.
    “Ordinarily discharge of the seminal fluid completes the act of love. As soon as the fluid is spent, the body strains to replace it. The faster sperm is used, the more the body is forced to produce. Quite obviously, production of this nutritionally rich and psychically super potent substance requires an enormous amount of raw materials. The reproductive glands receive these raw materials from the blood stream. In its turn, the blood withdraws the precious elements from every part of the body, liver, kidney, spleen, etc., including the brain. Every organ pays heavy tribute to the glands that produce the sexual seed. Because a single drop of semen houses such prodigious life energies, frequent loss of fluid depletes the body systems of their most precious nutrients and speeds the inevitable physical decline into old age. Retaining the seed within the body is the first step to reversing this cycle in which the male pays an unnecessarily stiff price for sexual satisfaction.”
    “In all forms of life the reproductive act exhausts essential energies. The offspring consume bodily stores of nutrition to get a grip on their new life. Vital organs suffer the most depletion be- cause they contain the densest concentration of nutrients. Among humans, the female sacrifice of her bodily energy is unavoidable in the passage to birth. The male, likewise, must surrender the po- tency of his seed at least once to fertilize the female ovum. Nature warrants the sacrifice worthwhile, for it fulfills her goal of multiplying life. She intends the old to make way for the new. But amongst all material creatures, only man has the force of will to oppose Mother Nature. "Not distance, not the difficulty of the journey, not the danger of approach foils instinct (in the animal kingdom). In man, who sometimes has the force to escape the sexual commandments, disobedience may have fortunate results. Chastity in a human being can function like a transformer, changing unused sexual energy into intellectual or social energy. Among animals, this transformation of physiological values is im- possible."* It is the very possibility of transforming our instinctual and essentially animal sexual energies into something higher that makes us human, and potentially divine. The failure to direct our sexual energy upward is a failure to fulfill our deepest human po- tential. That is why unconscious sex with ejaculation of the male seed is a kind of mini-death seen so often in the plant and animal kingdoms. Two hundred to five hundred million sperm die upon a single ejaculation. The expenditure of subtle energy is even much greater than these huge numbers suggest. If this spent seed leads to any kind of rebirth in the man, or in the woman, receiving new life, this loss or death is in harmony with nature. But without transforming these mini-deaths into a sharing, a love, a child, or a higher awareness of some sort, this act of sex becomes a mere killing of the potential life energy stored in the seed.” Mentak Chia from the Taoist Secret of Love.
    In his book outwitting the devil, Napoleon Hill writes
    “The greatest damage is that it depletes the source of man's greatest driving force, and wastes, without adequate compensation, man's creative energy. It dissipates energy needed by nature to maintain physical health. Sex is nature's most useful therapeutic force. It depletes the magnetic energy which is the source of an attractive, pleasing personality. It removes the sparkle from one's eyes and sets up discord in the tone of one's voice. It destroys enthusiasm, subdues ambition, and leads inevitably to the habit of drifting on all subjects.
    A Controlled sex supplies the magnetic force that attracts people to one another. It is the most important factor of a pleasing personality. It gives quality to the tone of voice and enables one to convey through the voice any feeling desired. It serves, as nothing else can serve, to give motive-power to one's desires. It keeps the nervous system charged with the energy needed to carry on the work of maintaining the body. It sharpens the imagination and enables one to create useful ideas.”
    It should be understood that disobedience of nature pull to have as much sex as possible is very beneficial if done properly. First when humans disobey their sexual urges, the energy piles up in the body creating some form of pile of sexual energy. Unable to express itself in sex the next best alternative the energy expresses itself is sexual magnetism and a pleasing personality which could be expressed at will. Anyone who comes in contact with the person knows that there is something different about the person and this storage of energy is most especially noticed by women as they would be drawn to the person through his stored sexual energy giving rise to sexual magnetism and would be then be prone to suggestions by the person.
    As depletion of energy is continued to be prevented sexual aggression sets in but because sex is no longer the focus of the person the aggression is thereby transferred to the person focus and ensures that the person is given more than enough pull to achieve his goal effortlessly, things he would probably not have been motivated enough or have enough courage to do and also increase the social awareness of the person including his influence in this social space thus increasing the said Charisma of the person. If the loss is stayed for as little as a week after a month the sexual energy begins to reverse all he damages it has done to the body such as hair loss while retaining the said above benefits. Continual conservation of this energy gives much more benefit than these especially when transmuted.