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RE: The PRICE of water: A true story of Andean homesteading

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Our place has a dog that can find his way back from the water supply in the dark! You don't realize how important that is until you have to go check it in the dark and you come to a fork in the path. Everything looks different in the dark except for the dog's bouncing white tail somewhere up ahead of you!

I'm totally committed to sustaining the population of dogs who know the way I want to go!

BTW - excellent filter - I love it! and kudos to @ecoinstant for his persistance in surviving having to walk kilometers to get to the water intake!


I took a look at your blog. Very interesting; it took me a while to figure out you are in the US. From the pictures I was going to guess Poland.

Say hello to your husband for me. I work with a lot of submariners at BWXT. We make the reactors and steem (sic) generators for US submarines and aircraft carriers.

My man may have served on one of the ones with your reactor in it! He particularly loved the nuclear classes that he took at OTC. :-)

He isn't in the service anymore but because he's still in the 'can do' mindset, all the projects we need to putter with to live here was a big attraction. He still loves going on the submarine tours that happen for ex-service men when the new boats come in to Bremerton harbor.