How many bitcoin do you have?

in #life7 years ago

In this last period I traveled a lot for my country, most of the time I did it for leisure and to satisfy my curiosity even a bit cultural if we want to say it all and I realized that the world around to us and there and waiting for us to be seen and experienced. Nonstante this I also posed a series of questions more or less personal, but during this last period in which the world of cryptocurrency has had a major boom, I asked myself a question, why not take advantage of this moment and actually analyze if this process of massification has really succeeded in reaching the widest layers of society. Precisely for this then I set a goal, I every city that I would visit I would place a day of complete analysis of the phenomenon bitcoin and then go to the busiest places and asks, just in random manier this question "how many bitcoins you have ? " I assure you that I have had many surprises and therefore I want to share with all of you, always if you have reached this point of reading. I visited some of the most important cities in Italy: Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples, Palermo, Venice and many others. Then I tried to compile a statistic, obviously all this done in a very rudimentary way, but the data that came out are really very curious. I asked this question to ordinary people, families, groups of young people, elderly people and also many foreigners visiting the main Italian cities. What came out is that about 87% of the people interviewed had not only never invested in cryptocurrency, but completely disregarded the concept of digital currency. 5% of them had heard of bitcoin through the mass media and had tried to invest something, leaving in a short time the world of crypts finally with my big surprise there was an 8% of people who were inside the bitcoin world and invested their savings daily in the most classic of digital currencies. This on one side made me reflect, thinking that a process of revolution like this is not taken seriously by most people, and on the other side put me in front of a great truth, there is a world waiting for it enter where we are already in a while and all this can not do well for all of us and the process of revolution. We are the pioneers of something that is changing us, I know it takes time but now we left and nothing and nobody can stop me! See you next time, my dear friends!