Do you want to know what is the most common fault of a flat screen monitor?

in #life7 years ago

Problems with your Monitor
Well, there are 3 common faults, I'll explain them to you here.

1.- Backlight Failure
Depending on the type of flat LED monitor, LCD
If the failure of your monitor is backlighting, there is a simple way to corroborate this failure.
To find out if your monitor is not backlit, connect it to your CPU already in system with all the lights off hit a flashlight to the screen and check if the figure of the desktop at the bottom of being so your Monitor has a backlight failure

Here is an LCD monitor with CCFL lamp (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps), which is clearly burned

There are occasions where there is a backlight failure where the fault is not by the lamps but by the source in the area that provides lighting to the screen sometimes the fault is in the inverter.

2.-Ignition Failure
When you did the backlight test and verified that you do not see anything in the background then it is possible that your failure is from the Power Source or Power Source to corroborate this failure you only have to disarm the Monitor, it will depend on if you have or not the will to do it, inside the monitor depending on the model you will get 2 plates (the Energy plate and the Video plate) if your power plate is defective you should get an electronics technician who can repair it.

Here you can see a power source of an LCD monitor which presented the problem of ignition where it was discovered that it had damaged electrolytic capacitors, so you dared to uncover your monitor and saw that failure I recommend a good technician in electronics

3.-Screen failure
There is a rare failure where depending on the brand the screen or in this case the main glass has a smart card called T-Com
The T-Con is an integrated circuit board of row and column that shape the image on the screen
If the fault is on the main screen or on the T-com card, there is one other model that can be repaired (it also depends on the experience of the electronics technician)

Here is a monitor with Fault on the screen that comes a short on the T-Com Card
This error can also occur due to a failure in the video card of the monitor itself that may be shorted. Can it be repaired? yes! as long as your technician has the experience or if the card itself can be repaired.

There are other occasions where the fault is not strips or lines but a Ghost Image that is seen as being duplicated within the same screen that problem also comes from the T-Com Card

If any of the failures is any of the aforementioned I tell you that your monitor there is the possibility of recovering Claro depends on the area where you are and if your technician has experience in this area will also depend on whether the repair is more expensive that he buys Here in Venezuela and what we seek is to repair things as best they can

This post is made based on the experience I have in the computer area, some of these photos are from my own work done if you have any problem or doubt you can ask your question without problems

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