Think you might be a gay?
- you are attracted to same-sex
- you have same-sex sexual experience
- you want to know what it means to be a gay
Maybe this is for you... :)
People attracted to both sexes often describe themselves as "bi" or "bisexual".
People attracted to same-sex describe themselves as "gay" or "homosexual".
Women who are gay sometimes call themselves as "lesbian".
According to Australian Psychological Society, being same-sex attracted is as natural as being opposite-sex attracted, and that it’s not possible to force someone to change their sexuality through any psychological or medical means. So, being attracted to same-sex is just natural, so its normal.
When I was young I usually felt different. I remember having crushes with my playmates of the same-sex.
So if you experience this kind of feeling when you're young, just relax. Some people may discover their true sexuality when they are in adulthood or even later in their lives. And sometimes this experiences just confused you of being attracted only to the person and not to their sexuality.
But if you have already discovered your sexuality being a member of the LGBTQ, welcome to the club! Hahaha. Cheers!
These are my friends. We are a group of gay friends, but one of us is different. She is Melody, the only woman in the group, who acts as our mother. She has a husband and 3 children. She is just happy with our company. Because she believes that we are the rainbow in her dark stormy skies.

Being a gay is not a problem. But if you are harassed and bullied, stay away from those kinds of people. If their ignorance and intolerance made you feel bad about yourself, forget them, remember that being a gay is normal.
If you are struggling with your sexuality, get support from friends or services online where your identity is hidden. You don't have to come out from the closet right away, take your time. Lastly, don't put a label on yourself, instead, be PROUD.
I wish LGBTQ readers/supporters will make a support group here in steemit, if only this group did not exist yet. But if it already exist, please inform me.