Codes, Symbols and Slang of the Alt-Right; Hidden in Plain SightsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life4 years ago

CW; racial slurs, hate speech


Being a former far right extremist, I have seen and sometimes used my fair share of symbols, terms and slang belonging to the far right. Some are pretty known and easy to discover (e.g. swastika). Consequently, I will list the ones that I think are relevant because of their common use or because of their ignorance by the general public.

It is to be noted that the Alt Right and the far right in general love to create confusion by appropriating symbols that are not theirs in the first place. The first category of symbol is a good example. Not everyone using the OK sign is from the Alt Right. It is just a tactic used to create confusion. Finally, many cultural symbols are taken by the Alt Right, robbing it from their legitimate original owners (e.g. Thor’s hammer, used in many European cultures and in the Norse religion).

A) Emojis

  • glass of milk
  • OK sign
  • lgbtq flag
  • white flag

(Please note that all these emojis were first used as jokes by the far right from 4chan in order to create confusion and discredit the medias)

B) Code names

  • The happy merchant: Jewish caricature
  • Chosen People: the Jews
  • Jogger: designates black people after the murder of Ahmaud Arbery
  • Colonizers: BIPOCs in Western countries
  • Diversity: designate BIPOCs pejoratively
  • Couleurs (colors): designate BIPOCs
  • Chances pour la France (chances/opportunities for France): mockery use by a large amount of French people to mock the speech of a left politician who said 40 years ago that immigration from non-white countries was an opportunity, as it would create more multiculturalism, jobs and improve the economy. However, since the French situation regarding the economy and crime rates only worsened over the years, more and more French people use this sentence as a mockery and to designate BIPOCs.
  • The followers of the religion of love and peace: mocks the Muslims who try to dissociate themselves from the terrorist attacks by saying that Islam is only about love and peace (used a lot by the French far right).
  • Barbarians (rare): designates and generalizes BIPOCs committing offenses or crimes in France
  • Merguezs: designates pejoratively North-Africans
  • Feuj: French slang for Juif (Jew)
  • The organized community: designates the Jews as an organized group
  • Blue eyed devils: derogatory racial term designating white people (originated from Asia); sometimes re-appropriated by white supremacists
  • Crazy white boys: gang related term
  • Noose: refers to the lynching of Black-Americans
  • Zyklon B: refers to the gas used in Nazi gas chambers during WW2
  • Antiracism is a Code Word for Anti-White
  • Day of the Rope: symbolize the mass murders of white “race traitors”
    -Diversity=White genocide
  • It’s okay to be white
  • Love Your Race
  • Six Gorillion: mocking term used by Holocaust deniers
  • The Goyim know, shut it down: implies that Jews control society and that they can get rid of anyone uncovering their plans.
  • White Lives Matter
  • You Will Not Replace Us
  • AYAK/AKIA: Are You A Klansman?/ A Klansman I Am
  • ORION: Our Race Is Our Nation

C) letters and numbers codes

  • 18: AH (Adolf Hitler)
  • 14: 14 words (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” by David Lane)
  • 88: HH (Heil Hitler)
  • 28: BH (Blood and Honor)
  • 1488: mix of the 14 words and Heil Hitler
  • 100%: symbolize a “pure” white genetic ancestry
  • 5: five words (“I have nothing to say”) said by a convicted white supremacist
  • 4/20: Adolf Hitler birthday
  • RaHoWa: Racial Holy War
  • 23: letter W for White
  • 6MWNE: “6 million was not enough”
  • ZOG: “Zionist-Occupied Government”
  • ((())): Echo. Brackets around a name or term, symbolizing a jewish identity; e.g. (((banker))) or (((Goldberg))).
  • H8: phonetically “hate”
  • ≠: not equal; refers to races not being equal
  • ROA: Race Over All
  • WPWW: White Pride World Wide
  • 9%: the supposedly percentage of white people worldwide

D) Christian Extremist Terms:

As I arrived in the far right universe via Christian extremism, I have come to use some specific terms. I might have used them while talking to other people, whether they were my family, my few friends or simply acquaintances. Do note that I never use very complex Christian or Biblical term, as I never studied in depths neither the Bible or any other Christian texts. Consequently, these terms might not be pejorative in most situations or might have a different meaning or their use might not be widespread. Additionally, there are some terms that I never used but read or heard:

  • The 3rd Religion or the Antichrist cult: Designate Islam, following the Bible, which teaches that the next self-proclaimed prophet after Jesus would be the Antichrist
  • The Desert/Moon God: Allah
  • The veiled ones: Muslim women
  • The Betrayers: Jews
  • The God slayers: Jews
  • Mammonites: servants of the Greed Daemon, Mammon; designates capitalists, bankers, …
  • It smells like money: reference to the Jews
  • Pagan (pejorative)
  • Kaffir: Muslim version of infidel
  • The depraved/Heathen/Infidel/Satanist: people partying, drinking, having sex … (basically having fun) and not following Christian teachings
  • The ones from Sodom and Gomorrah: Gays and Lesbians
  • Yahudi: Muslim term for Jew
  • Whore
  • It is like Babylon: a depraved place, city…
  • it’s not hallal/kosher: mocking Jewish and Muslim customs

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