Thank you to whoever put this on my whiteboard!

in #life9 years ago

It's Friday! Friday always give me a happy feeling. Weekend on the horizon. Can't wait to have a relaxing weekend after 5 days of work. Ok not 5 days. It's 4 and 1/2 days of work.

When I come to office today, I realized someone put this on my whiteboard. It's not just my whiteboard. Almost all people in my team get different quotes on their whiteboard. 

I'm not sure who did this. My teammates also don't have any idea who's works is this (It's gotta be someone from my team. Probably my boss!). But whoever did this, my heartfelt thank you to you. It's truly made my Friday extra special. 

Memories do takes us back and remind us how fun it was doing what we do best. Of course with that, we don't lose sight on our dreams and as we march forward to fulfill our dreams, we creating more memories as well. Years down the line, we might think back and smile on all the wonderful moments we created, laugh on all the petty argument we had and felt sad about what we lost and at the same time be thankful on the lesson learned.

Let's continue our journey strive to be best, make an impact on everything we do, contribute to the society and at the same time, write a kickass autobiography about the journey to achieve our dreams. 

"Memories take us back. Dreams take us forward."