Does God Exist

in #life7 years ago


Does God exit. Let us know what you think and make it crystal clear in the comments below as we ask some of the biggest questions in life .

First of all we all have at one point in our lives questioned the existence of God. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. In this topic we are not going to criticize any religions or beliefs. We just want to know why you believe God does or does not exit.

There are over 4000 religions in this world where most put God at the center of their faith and they believe the universe was made by a Grande creator. The biggest argument to this is the Big Bang Theory widely acknowledge as one of the most probable beginning of the universe refers to a pinpoint beginning to our universe. Scientist don't know what caused it but the universe was all of a sudden created by extremely high density and high temperature pinprick that quickly expanded and expanded huge enough to cool and for atoms to form. With Einstein theory of relativity and Edwin Hubble microscopic observation that galaxys are moving away from one another they have been able to de cyfer that from since the beginning of time ( Big Bang) the universe has been continuing to expand. But to me if there was really a Big Bang ,wasn't it probably created by something bigger than the universe itself.

Anyway for believers they believe that you have to accept the existence of God through faith and without faith it is impossible to please god because if god desires he can just simply appear and show everyone that he exist. But if he did there would be no need for faith. There are some arguable evidence of the existence of God looking at the stars in the universe ,observing the wonders of nature, seeing the sunset, all of which point to a creator God.
Since religions and cultures all around the world believe in some form of God , there must he something causing this belief. Some logical arguments is the Teleological argument which states that since the universe displays such an amazing design there must have been a devine designer. One example is if the earth was slightly closer or away from the sun it would not be capable of sustaining much of the life it currently has or if the elements in our atmosphere was even a few percentage point difference, all lifeforms would probably die.

Another argument for God existence is the Cosmological argument where every effect must have a cause. The universe and everything in it is in effect where there must be something that cause everything to come into existence. Ultimately there must be something uncaused in order to cause everything to come into existence. That uncause cause is God.

Another argument is the Moral argument where every culture in history has some form of law. Everyone has some sense of right and wrong ( murder, lying, stealing) . Where did the sense of right and wrong come from if not from a holy God.

In my opinion not just by the arguments but through my experiences in life , I firmly believe in the existence of God. What About You?