I'd Rather Be A King Eating Caviar .. than ...

in #life8 years ago

I'd Rather Be A King Eating Caviar...

King Feast.jpg

But sometimes I just have to eat chips ...Eating Chips.jpg

And carry on...

Life doesn't begin with... Baby Money.jpg

Is there a reason for this .. ?? Do you think life is Stupid ... Think about it .. here you are reading this..?

Is LIFE stupid..? hmmm.. Well if you look Nature all around you, you will see it is effective and massively abundant .. It has survived and evolved to be Amazing ...Natural Abundance.jpg

From a supposedly dry rock billions of years ago, to an immensity of different life forms now... That is nature at Work ..
Its a persistent flow, it comes from the your mother earth and returns, giving of its best to every creature, and its the nature of every creature to be aware and express its life force to the best of its ability ..

Collage of Animals.jpg

It is a flow from one to the other and other .. Mother to child to child to child ..

Sure this mental Image I have of eating Caviar and being a Queen or King is predominant in our society .. ( personally being a queen would be a bit of a challenge..), but this is about you and me.

But that is not natural to nature, I have eaten and feasted like a King, living in Thailand like I do, I have that opportunity everyday, all are natures gifts, and I didn't need to have a mindset to pursue this as my end goal,
Nature and people gave these gifts to me.
Natural Smile food.jpg
The Smile, says it all..

I'm finding the "poor" people smile a lot more than the "rich" Drinking Rich Man.jpg

I'm meeting people here in Thailand, who have so much attachment to their wealth, (mainly expats from other countries) that they have to store the gold bars in safe's in their home .. and then they die .. ?? From loneliness and health problems.. as all they focused on in life was their wealth.

Sure, being able to store some wealth for yourself is important, and we see this in Nature, with the squirrels gathering and storing their nuts for the winter, Squrrels storing Nuts.jpg

and Polar bears storing fat for hibernation and provide sustenance through pregnancy ..
Polar bear - young.jpg

But Nature does not store up its wealth in vast bank accounts. Nature stores up what it needs and then returns it to nurture more nature, when it needs.

In the West we have been trained to want to seek to store massive wealth, and "there is never enough".. The deep sense of insecurity we feel is unfathomable .. never enough .. and its not nature that does this, it is how we have been shaped, and we don't know when to stop .. we have been trained to seek "pleasure" which is outside us and selfish, rather than seeking "happiness" which is inside us and we can share with others ..

As a species its time, to grow up to the next stage of what it is to Hu-man, as child grows into an adolescent and then adult, humanity has to leave home, (as is natural in the world of Nature), and families, and make our own way. Making mistakes and learning, and making a few more.. At the moment we seem to be stuck in the child adolescent stage .. "Mummy he is picking on me", and expecting Nanny State to change our diapers ... we say the Government should ... !!
Well soon we will realise the govt is not ours.. And we need to take back our maturity, for our futures stake..

Growing Up.jpg

We have actually come through this stage of growing up, we have made many mistakes, and we need to see that this reliance on the our state indoctrination, ( as also happens in the home,) no longer serves us.

There are good parents who who teach us the doctrine of free thought, and there are parents who have not been blessed with this wisdom and survival skill. ( By parent, I also mean our influences, and most have been influenced through their schooling and media, by the "state" ?)

We have been indoctrinated into a world of artificial scarcity, of a money system that prints money out of thin air and secures it against your soul.

How Scarcity Creates Greed, lovely.. "short video".. that explains this beautifully.. Scarcity is not necessary.!!

This is not, as people say "to make money for "Big Corporations", it is a slavery system in which the chains are debt until death.
Mortgage - (Mort , see mortuary, where dead bodies are kept, and gage, - pledge)

All the money you borrow from private banks is created out of "thin air" ... this is not necessary, as countries that owned their own banks, can simply loan it out of the wealth of the nation, and people can repay it, at low of interest. And any profits can go back to the people, and reduce taxes.

The Ancient Mayans, had a system, that every 50 years, All Debts was Forgiven" !!, Can you imagine that. !!!

How would you feel...? If all your debts ? Were forgiven.. ? Think about that for a moment..?


Currently we have a system which supposedly "Owes" ? trillions on dollars.. ?? To Whom, for What .. You are part of that system if you choose to consider money is your security .. "and you never have enough" !!!

This debt is illusory, they never had any security ... If people are interested, I can explain more about it in a future post.. But start doing your own research ..

Once again, I come back to Nature and what you can do as a Natural Being .. It comes back to community.. the shared wealth in community .. Money can assist the flow in a community, but it should not be something that becomes our major preoccupation.. The True Wealth in Life comes from connection with others, and offering our gifts, our passions that we were born with.. and we will be expressing our Purpose In the Divine flow of Creation ..

When you die, would you rather have many gold bars hidden in your safe under your bed, or would you rather have many friends wishing you well on your continued journey in the Flow of Creation ... Maybe then you already have a bank account on the other side. The Hindu's call this good Karma, and then you can also share that when you get there.. ))

So yes, I would rather eat Chip's than desire to eat like a King eating Caviar always, thankfully I am blessed to be living in Thailand at the moment, where there are amazing communities of people, who love to share the abundance of Nature with me, and in the West they would be called paupers, or poor people, and they share their natural wealth with me. Their wealth is nature and their community.

And the .. "Real Lesson" .. from me in this, is the immense pleasure I see in the faces and smiles of the people when I accept their Gifts, and honour them for their offering and deep desire to serve.

"Accepting" that is a gift I can give back to them..


So Thank You my friends on Steemit, I see this community as an amazing of sharers, and I Thank Your for your "Gift back to the Quantum Monks community", ( which will be expanding and providing what wisdom we can, to a community I see is in deep need). of reading this Post and acknowledging it in some way, so we can connect with you in thought or deed, to forward our amazing journey together..

Blessings from Thailand..
QM coordinator,


Thank you for inviting me to this post thru a comment, you are absolutely correct I thoroughly enjoyed this post, have been thinking on this subject to write a post also, your post is amazing.
Our world gives to us but we mostly take take take and don't give back to it, in the western world. That has been my thought for a while is people that have rich culture and not much money are way more happier than those with money.
We get trained bigger is better but really is it?

Thank you @biglipsmama for lovely reply. its great to see we are on the same journey. Many blessings. I will read your future posts with interest.. ))

OMG, what an absolutely wonderful first post to read Sunday morning! Awesomeness. 💖🙏

Many Thanks @rok-sivante, the gift of your thoughts and deed is totally appreciated by QM's .. :-)