I was not named Pele for NO reason;
It was a hard earned title among my peers. Like pele on the ball my skills with ladies were unmatched.
Today could be Eunice, tomorrow would be Loretta’s turn. The name Pele came about when my friends found out I had made friends with the daughter of the Member of Parliament for our constituency who often looked down on us and didn’t want to associate herself with us because to her we were symbols of failure. She was right to an extent tho, because we knew it ourselves.
She had the skin colour of a Jamaican American, the beauty of a goddess and a body you would kill for. Her name was Ewurasi Mcbrown. She was an antidote to my stupidity a secret my mother never knew.
Ewurasi's call comes through and I feel like am the most responsible man ever to have crossed planet earth.
She spoke with such calmness and smiled at everything even when she was angry. To make matters worse, Ewurasi had an innocent face; one who wouldn’t hurt an ant not to talk of a chicken. If all it took to win this damsel was being a good boy, then I was ready to be the next pope for the Catholic Church.

Weeks passed as I locked myself in day dreaming as to how I will get her attention and start just a conversation with her. I didn’t know what was fasting by then, am sure I would have captained the fasting team for my church.
The point is, I was ready to do anything just to add her to my tally of damsels and I would call it quits afterwards because I might have done what alexander the great couldn’t do.
My star shinned when I offered to help her unpack her things from the uber she hired from the school one time after vacation. After unpacking, I sheepishly looked at her until she asked if I was okay, and I sincerely don’t remember answering her. So just like that we became friends.
After months of phone calls and messages, the obvious happened. Ewurasi became serious with me and was ready to sacrifice a whole lot for me.
My deepest regret was the day I saw her nakedness, how I wish that day had never come. An innocent girl who had been given the right push in life by her parents had fallen victim to my foolish acts.
I told friends about my experience hoping to be fulfilled with the hailings and titles from friends, but right when I stepped in my room where it all happened, the guilt overwhelmed me.
I remember I cried so hard I didn’t understand why, because Ewurasi wasn’t my first and this has always being my way of life.
What I realised was that, unlike the other ladies, Ewurasi was an absolute gift from GOD which I messed up because I refused to see the kind of gift she was to me.
This situation is quite common in our lives now, GOD has gifted us with so much as humans but we always fail to see the gift in what HE has given us.
That's a wonderful story man, some people think to live is their right, it's God's MERCY'S and grace that gives us all the things that gives us more days to live, so my little advice is that, we should be thankful and appreciate God's gift of life to us.
There is always a reason to worth that..keeping fetching for yourself good names for it is better than riches they say.
Wow, touched anyways ... How i wish some people had the chance to read this.... We always have to see the gift people are to us else we might turn the gift into a burden for others.... We ought to thank God for us gifts he bestows on us