How to Lessen Tensions and Difficulties in Routine Life
The tensions and difficulties confronted by us are due to our lack of knowledge, attitudes, no control of things and thinking.Remember, that to understand the life is the ongoing process. Every human being learns new things on a new day in his life. But we can adopt the basic rules that help us in spending our lives happily.
Believe me, friends, we are bestowed with a lot of blessings by ALLAH but we do not realize it. We scream at difficulties, unhealthy situations and move beyond the boundaries of ignorance and complaining to ALLAH that why such consequences are happening with me? This is all because of us because we do not take things, happening in our lives, seriously. Even, we shy to share things with our closed ones like in our family. Although to share things with your trusted people always gives way to solve difficulties and help us in lessening tensions.

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Nobody is perfect in this world. So we can avoid tensions and solve difficulties merely by implementing under mentioned principles in our lives.
To understand the things clearly:
Every human has got the same mind. The fact is that some people use it critically whereas some people don't use behave alike. Further, It has been noticed that people pay attention to most important things and ignore minor things which create a problem later. So It is recommended that nothing should be taken on the lighter side and consider the things critically in order to avoid future tensions.Moreover, every task should be tackled with due preparation.
Jotting down the list of tasks to be performed:
It is healthy to maintain a diary for routine tasks. The tasks to be performed should be jotted down on diary despite having a good memory. By doing this, tasks will be arranged in shape of the list and it will be easy to accomplish every task on time. This activity will help in eliminating any difficulty which may arise in case of non-performing of any daily task.

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One Task Must Be Performed At One Time:
It should be kept in mind that One time must be performed at one time instead of doing multiple tasks because human brain can't provide the best result being engaged in more than one task and failure in completing any task cause irritational behavior.
Avoiding quick and complete trust:
Always keep control on your emotions and avoid to have quick and complete trust on people. Depending on someone else not only weakening your personality but also leads toward the wrong result.

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To control over Expectations From Others:
A very popular maxim is "Expectations always frustrate you." So It is recommended that don't have expectations from others and try to accomplish the task yourself by putting your 100% and leave the result on Allah.Surely, this will not hurt you.

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Don't Compare yourself with others:
For living a happy and confident life we should not compare ourself with other people because such scenario will certainly frustrate us.comparing with others makes the people complex which causes anxiety. Who are you, whatever is going on, keep your work and trust in your abilities and work. If you believe that you can do a task then put your 100% effort for completion of that task. Such act will give you the confidence to excel in your life and help in avoiding tensions of life. Finally, do not compare what you do not have.

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It is concluded that people can follow above-mentioned points for avoiding routine tensions and difficulties and also for living a happy life.
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