Do Women really Play Games in this World with Men?

in #life7 years ago

Well, it is all just a Game in this World, We all Play Games in this World, or We did until we Won the Game and became Lov ourselves, yet many Men Blame Women today, for Playing Games with them, they feel victims of Games that Women Play, but they don't understand the Deepest Reason behind their Games. Women may go in Silence, it appears like, they are Testing and Playing Games. Many Men Blame Women for that and feel Victims many Times, label them as bad. But they don't Know the game Men Play in this World, that caused Women to Play Games. So why do Women Play Games and why is it so hard for Women to Trust? Let Me tell You that many Men Play Games as well and everything is rebalancing of the Energy only. Men played the Game on Women in General so badly, such terrible Game and this Game is on against Divine Feminine in the World still to the Fullest, more than ever, that they have to Understand the deepest Reason, why Women Trust so Hard and Why do they Play Games with Men. Well, Women Know that Men Play Games today too, not all Men, but in General Masculine is playing a Terrible Game, but let this Article's Purpose serve to shed some Light on why Women sometimes Play so apparently bad with Men. Well, Worst Game of Men is the reason.

O List Yer Man, You cannot Blame Women in this World, but You have to become a Man that I AM Yourself and Understand why Women played Games until that Moment. We have to take Responsibility, My Men, if We want Women to Stop playing Games and understand that the Real Cause of the Games they Play is in us Men, for in past We played such Terrible Game, that We played Women so badly, that Now they Play Games with Men, for it cannot be no other way. It.Is all just rebalancing of the Energy. Goddess is a Master Teacher of all Men. Her Name is Love and Her Games serve to Teach Men to become Enlightened again and become Real Man in Power that I AM and Purpose. Woman is for a Man Sophia, His Divine Mastress and Universe, the Mother Teaches us through Her Games about Love that We are Ourselves. Such Games represent Great Spiritual Grow, for Heart is open to receive and Learn the Lesson.

We have to understand that Divine Constitutional Human Nature of every Man is to be the Power behind a Woman, that holds Her up in all the Power that I AM, so She can Dance and Create Harmony, Love that Dances in His Arms. Protected, Safe and Supported. I AM holding Her up Safe in al My Power, She creates Balance and Harmony in this Dance of Creation. Dance of Her Love. That's the Purpose of a Man in General as God intended at Creation. Man was Created to keep a Woman Safe, Protected, Nourished and Satisfied, so Her Love can Shine in the Power that I AM. She is that everything, that I AM nothing without. Keeping Her Safe in My Arms, so She can Dance and We can Create Heaven together is Purpose of the Man that I AM. Not to consume Her Love, but to Hold her up so Her Golden Light of Love can Shine If Man is needy, attached and Feels empty without her, how can a Man hold Her up in the Power that I AM then. So it is the other Way around. actually, She needs His Protection, His Power, if Man is dependant on Her, how can He hold Her up in His Power. Man has to be Power Himself and therefore such so-called Games represent Greatest Spiritual Growth as a Man looks back. For Me it was such. Eye became the Power and Love Myself, capable to handle Her Storms and Hold Her up fulfilled in Her Love, not in Lack and Needing Her Love to function. It was hard that Times Yes, but Now I AM Grateful to My X Girlfriends, who were My Mastresses, teaching me about Love that I AM Myself. Man has to be the Power, so We can Dance in Harmony and Balance that Love Creates. If I AM empty and can not stand without Her up, then how can Eye hold Her up. Man has to be the Power that I AM, always Fulfilled in Her Love.

Yet in Past same Masculine, that was assigned by God to Protect Her, to Hold Her in His Power, to lift Her up, so She can be seen and to keep Her safe from all External Trouble. So Her Light, Her Love, My Gold may Shine Protected in the Power that I AM, was abused and terribly betrayed, objectionized and enslaved, terribly Hurt. Yes, the same Masculine that has only Purpose to hold Her in His Power and Protect Her abused Her and betrayed Her beyond al the Measures. Her very Protector in and Her Power, that holds Her up and keeps Her safe from all the Trouble in the General Global Scale has betrayed Her and made Her His Slave, labeled Her as a worthless piece of Meat and sinful as he made Her subservient to His Lust. That's why Women do not really like Clinginess and Need, for they Feel like they are consumed instead of lifted up in Power This terrible Wound of Abuse that brought severe mistrust to the Man in Women in this World is imbedded in DNA of every Woman in this World deeply and acts out subconsciously, only those completely Healed within themselves are Free of this Ancient Mammories, They mastered the Trauma and become Mastressess of Love themselves, yet Women, that dd not Heal this collective Feminine Trauma act upon it, subconsciously and that's why Women play Games with Men sometimes in this World. Not even consciously, but subconsciously out of the collective Female Trauma in Women in General. Women test their Men if they can really Trust them, for Objectionazitation of Women sexuality is on the Highest Peak these days with all kinds of Legal Abuses even, not to speak about Illegal ones. Women are abused by the Mainstream of this World and objectionize sexually like never before, so how could they not play Games if Male Society has caused such degradation upon them. Women Test the Strength and Substance of Mans Love. If I AM really a Man that I AM or I AM Her abuser, that I AM not, If Man can handle Her Storms and carry through, then such Man can really Hold Her up unconditionally and support Her and carry Her through everything, being the Power, that She by Constitutional Nature of Human Beings needs. If Man really can protect Her, keep Her Safe, or all he wants is to exploit Her as this Male World was exploiting Women for so long and still is so much in this World, maybe even more then ever before, just in sneakiest, even legal Ways. Women Test their Men if they really Love them in their Heart, if they want to keep them really in their Lifes, or they just want to enjoy juicy piece of meat for their pleasure and throw them away as they get bored of the taste. Wome don't want to be played and they act subconsciously out of all Trauma of Humanity against them. It is just rebalancing of the Energies. Women wants a Man, that is to Lift Her up in His Power, even when She is down. We have to also understand, that al the Pain is Karma and if Woman is playing Games with us this Life, we sure played terrible Game with Her and we are only facing the Reflection of our own Games, And in General it is al just a Result of that Ancient Trauma and for Women were so terribly abused and betrayed in General Now subconsciously they Test their Men if they really Love them, or exploit Them. Can they really Protect them or they are to betray them again as it is custom in this World for Eons of Time. Can they keep them safe or they are the Actually represent the Danger for Them. Do they Love them really foerm the Heart or just want to enjoy them for their Pleasure. If we understand the History and Present Situation in the World, we cannot Blame Women for playing Games, but We have to take the Responsibility and become Men again. It is al just about rebalancing of the Energies, teaching us, just about our Purpose. .

Women are not Men, they were created to be Women. Man is a Man, so We have to understand, that Man was the One collectively, that abused Women in this World, so they had to protect themselves only, they had to keep themselves safe, they had to keep themselves at guard from Abuser and protect themselves from very Men, that was meant to protect them and keep them safe by God at Creation. Woman is not a Man and it is not Natural for Her, that Her protector becomes Her Abuser and She has to take the Role of a Man to protect Herself. So out of this perversion and terrible Violation of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine also by the separated Masculine, Women had to pretend to act like what they are naturally are not, like Men. And for such is not their Nature, their Ways became like Games and this is the only Reason for the Games Women Play. Condition of this World is such this very day on global scale, that Women cannot trust Men and so they also have become separated and act in ways, that may not be nice always, they are not Men so their Games, that many Men blame them for are just rebalancing of the energy, for it is artificial for Woman to be like a Man. Terrible Games Women Play is just a Result of a Terrible Game that men play on the Global Scale with Women for Ages and this Game is so extremely more terrible, that no Wonder, that Women play Games. If Nature is Abused, then only perverted Games can follow, for only in our Natural Constitutional Positions, we can have Peace and Harmony as Human Race. Man has to be a Man and Woman has to be a Woman for Natural Heaven on Earth. Men play the Unnatural Game and as result of such Game Women Play Games that hurt Men. It is al just rebalancing of the Energy. We are to see more and more Games in the World as more and more releasing of the old abuses and trauma is ignited in Women. Less We are Healed and Enlightened, more Games there can be in our Relationships. And sadly Good Men get hurt by the Game, Men that are not such, but We are the Body of Christ, Eye have been hurt by Girls too so much, yet Eye was never bad to them. We are the Body of Christ. We have taken upon us the Sin of other Men and We Mastered this Darkness and became True Men once again. Real Men. Masters, that represent only Joy and Power for Women, Men that Women need. As We become just that, Man that I AM, Love Myself in My Power, Women no more play Games. Eye give You My Word.

Yet list yer Men, by Blaming Women for their Games and being a Victim, We make their Games even more terrible, for Her Divine Memory underneath acts only out of Reaction to the terrible Game played on Her for Ages, the Divine Feminine. So when We are Victims, Divine Feminine even protects Herself more from Men. We only make it worse by blaming Her. It is actually blaming Her for the Pain that We caused upon Her and is Now reflecting back upon us, so We may see ourselves, dear Men. Old Trauma of Ages is imbedded deep within the Subconsciousness and form that unconscious State, Women Know Men was not a Victim, but opposite, so their Games even may become crazier. Eye give You My Word. We Men cause Great Pain upon Her and Now We are Blaming Her as We experience that very Pain, that We have caused in past. In this Way Trauma gets only Greater and Opposition, Abuse even Greater as well. We also have to understand, that what is done upon us this Life, we have done to others in our past Life and energy is just rebalancing, so who can We Blame. Most probably, we have hurted the very same Soul in Past Life and Karma is just coming back around at us, so really there is no Way form any Perspective to Blame a Woman, for Games She Plays, but We better get the Lesson of the game and become Men again, so Games may stop.

Only Way for Men to Heal this Trauma is that We face ourselves and We realize our Actions as Collective in Pats, our most terrible Games and take responsibility for the Reaction, for our Game brought the Games Women Play upon us and all We can do Now is to deal with it and take responsibility and make it Right. So We can Rise in our own Power, knowing our Purpose. We stop being a Victim of Her Games, but We become the Man, that She lost. Man that is not consuming Her for His Happiness, but understands Her Games and Trauma from the Eye of God, Man that knows the Causes and Situation in this World. Man that She needs no more to play Games with, for I AM that Man that I AM meant for Her. Man that is not attached to Her and needs her to be fulfilled yet is giving Her Love from His Fulness and Power of Love, not needing Love from Her, but being the Love for Her. Man that expects nothing from Her and never Blames Her for nothing. Man that is Power that I AM Himself, so He can Hold Her up in Divine Power of God that I AM, so She can Shine in My Arms, lifted High and Safe from all Danger, so Her Light of Love may Dance undisturbed in Harmony and Protected by the Man that I AM and Shione Heaven on Earth again as old Trauma of Abuse is Healed in the Power of the Man that I AM and by Her Love. Then Her Games Stop, for She Knows, that She is that Everything, that I AM nothing without, not needing Her to be Love for Me, but being Love for Her, that can handle Her and carry Her to Heaven on Earth, so She can Dance. Man, that Loves Her from all the Power of Love that I AM. Her Love. When We become Men again, Her Games Stop, for We are the Power, that is there for Her, and She can Shine. We no more Need Her and consume Her to be Complete, but We are that Man, Power in Ourselves there for Her, so She can Dance in the Arms again of the Man that I AM. I Am supporting Her with al the Power. She is Creating Balance and Harmony in Her Dance. Love just Dances with no Game.

O List Yet Men, if You want to Know the Games Goddess Plays on God that I AM, please read the Stories of Krishna and get that Lessons of Her Games are, for Me to be the Man that I AM for Her. As Above so Below. Yet Games that in Vrindavan Radha Plays are Pain-Free and only Divine Drama and Comedy, Very Beautiful Games of Her Love, for Highest Pleasure of God that I AM. She is My Pleasure. Her Pleasure is the Pleasure of God that I AM. Then You are to get the Purpose of the Game is for You to become just like Krishna, for She is all the Light that You See shining on all that I AM. There is a lot of Fun in our Games, so let lovers on Earth be Blessed with Same Loving games for Highest Pleasure and no more Games of this World, for Heavens are on Earth n Her Love Now. Let us become Real Man, that I AM and play the Game of Love Now only.

  • Purna Ananda ©


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u have right to be a victim..I AM A KING