I Met a Giraffe and Lost My Mind

in #life9 years ago (edited)

If you want to see the definition of pure joy and happiness, keep reading. Alrighty, so I won tickets to the Knoxville Zoo from my workplace, and I was a bit conflicted. I'm usually a little critical of zoos and was hesitant to go. We decided to make the drive anyways as I haven't been since I was a child.

Another thing you must know about me is that I absolutely love giraffes. They're one of my favorite animals in the world. When we arrived, I was completely floored when I found out that you could actually feed them at the exhibit. I bolted toward the feeding area as soon as I found out was basically shrieking the entire time. I dashed up the platform and eagerly waited my turn.

The line wasn't very long since it was still early in the day so I didn't have to wait long. I stepped up to the handler and she gave me some leaves to feed to the giraffe and he slurped the leaves right out of my hand. My boyfriend managed to snap some pictures of the encounter and you can see just how ecstatic I was. This was one of the happiest moments of my life. Shortly after he put the camera away, I burst into tears. I was so ridiculously overwhelmed with joy I essentially had a total meltdown. At least the handlers ended up getting a good laugh.

Honestly this whole encounter was similar to Kristen Bell's mental breakdown over meeting a sloth. I was so overwhelmed. They're such magnificent gentle giants, and I'd probably be okay with abandoning society to go live in the wild with an entire herd.

If you want to learn more about giraffe conservation, click here. And if you want to find some incredible facts about these amazing creatures, click here. Thanks for checking out my post, and have a great day!

(Sorry for the crappy cellphone quality)


You are so brave. I would never touch a giraffe. Maybe I am just paranoid but I am so afraid that they would chew on my hand.

Haha don't worry, they're not aggressive. They don't even take the food from your hand with their teeth. They use their tongue to grab it. It's hilarious to watch. Their mouths kind of remind me of a cow.