My Thoughts: Struggles in Life

in #life4 years ago

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My dear ones, have you ever experienced life without pain or struggle before? I think most of us would be laughing because we know it is not true. There is no such thing as life without struggle or suffering. Everyone goes through struggles in all sorts of forms. It can be in finance, health, job, parents, marriage, kids and etc.

For most of us, we just hate struggles in our lives and we wish that it vanished out of our lives for good. Even the thought of struggles can bring so much anxiety to most of us. And it is not easy to go through them sometimes. Some of us try to escape by harming ourselves or abusing ourselves, some of us are able to endure it, however we still complain that life is full of misery.

It is not an enjoyable experience to go through when we are going through struggles in life. If can we would like to put the blame on others for the pain we feel deep within us instead of searching for answers deep within us by praying.

Have you heard of this phrase, "there is no rainbow before the rain"? It means we we have to go through the rainy days before we can see the rainbow. It also means how do we cope with our struggles will determine our destiny in life. It will determine our future as well.

That is why sometimes we can notice that, after a life experience, some people will be transformed into a better version of themselves and some just don't. They become worse, they abuse themselves further or they abuse others. And it is heartbreaking to see.

I hope what I am sharing will bring light to those who are struggling. I just hope you know and remember that you are not struggling alone. It is a common experience and every human being on this earth has go through it. Just remember that every struggles in our lives, is actually part of our human development, it is designed to make us stronger and better.

Do not run away from it or feel fearful about it, but embrace it and take it as a challenge in life, knowing that you have the Spirit of God living in you, and He is greater than any challenges that come your way.
Nothing is too difficult for God and there is nothing that God cannot do.

For those who are out there, if you are alone and you are struggling, please do get a local support group. Do not be out there on your own. You will need people around you to encourage along the way. There are many people who are out there who cares and love you.

My heart goes out to you, whoever you are out there. I will be keeping you in my prayers always.

with love

#god #life #struggles #experience #anxiety #depression