I present a blog of techniques and tips to avoid being a victim of crime. #1
Since my birth I have lived in a neighborhood, known for being a victim of crimes such as thefts, robberies, assaults, sale and consumption of psychoactive substances, persecutions, physical abuse, rapes, death threats and homicides. Therefore, the inhabitants us have seen forced to develop and use methods to avoid being the affected person.
On this occasion I will share with you some tips and recommendations to avoid theft, and if this publication it seems to them interesting, important or good ... let me know in the comments, vote and share, then I will continue with the robberies and assaults ... I hope it will help you prepare.
When does a theft occur?
It happens when a person takes some object or belonging from another without forcing or threatening the victim, with the aim of making a profit and seizing it.
NOTE : it is very important not to confuse theft with robbery or assault, the advice and recommendations given below are just to avoid theft. The author of this post is not responsible for damages caused.
1) Educate the future:

Children are more exposed to this type of crime in and out of school, so it is important that you educate your boy or girl well; a good weapon against theft towards children is communication, trust and teaching at home about the sense of belonging, but above all why they should not talk, trust, neither receive anything from strangers. Also, if for some reason the child going to go alone to some place explain that you must go through busy places, that prevents carrying the backpack open, always have the emergency numbers (of your parents and / or responsible, police, firefighters, ambulance and some other person in case your parents are not), and what to do in case of an accident or criminal act.
2) Children also theft:
It is essential that you keep this point in mind, because children (usually under 9 years of age), take any foreign object, since they are not totally familiar with empathy, or with what is right or wrong. If this happens it is advisable to take the child with the affected person to return what he has taken and apologize, educate him so that it does not happen again and if he persists more than 3 times, go to the psychologist, usually some problems such as lack of attention, problems to socialize, stress or whim are the culprits of this behavior in children.
On the other hand, explain to them what to do and what not to do in case some child takes their belongings.
3) Take it All:
Often, in places with several or many people ... for example, school, university, work, course, etc. It is usually left the belongings in the seat while staying in the room, likewise when they move away a few meters or to a place less close such as the bathroom, answer a call, take a break, or whatever. Some people are crafty and the closer and to easier have the temptation... In the blink of an eye you will have nothing. You will hardly be able to recover your objects and to do so you will have to go through some overwhelming situation. If you do not knows your colleagues or the people who are with you... will be better to take everything and take it wherever you go, in this way you will avoid from the "magic" disappearance of your pencil and that of larger objects such as your Tablet or phone cell phone.
4) Rate, divide and order your things:
If you think that it's very tedious and heavy carry everything wherever you go:
On one side of a table place the objects that you considered less important to you, and on the opposite side the have more value. Then, the less valuable items in your bag, while the others in a pocket wallet or in a different compartment. If possible, use some mini lock on the clasps of the bag or in your pocket whenever you store or remove something. Pocket devices or small devices in a handbag, don't let leave anything in your seat, table or view of all. It is important that you know very well what is in your purse and how you carry it, for you will quickly identify if you missing something or if someone has registered you.
5) Recognize to possible suspicious:
It sounds VERY hard to categorize people, but throughout the community, country or state there are urban tribes that tend to be toxic or have to bad skills developed... (how to theft!) This type of people have a very particular way of dressing , they use a brand, tattoo, a lexicon and / or accent that identifies them. A clear example of this is the "tuki".
Do you know what a TUKI is?
The Tukis are an "urban tribe" resident in Venezuela (...) and are distinguished by their specific way of dressing, speaking and acting. Sometimes, it produce fear, rejection and discomfort among the rest of the population.
Information taken from: http://cityvega.com/variedades/61-tests/1077-icomo-saber-si-eres-un-qtukiq
Do not forget that you must be aware of your possessions all the time, do not leave anything in any place or with neither with anyone unknown (take this into account for tip number 6).
(EYE: not all the people of a specific urban tribe are bad, remember that just they will observe the behavior, without discriminating, offending or isolating people).
6) If you have someone ... Take care of him and take care of yourself:
If you have a friend, companion or relative of TRUST that accompanies you ... ask him to please keep an your objects and you also do it for he, do not forget the old phrase that says:
Together we can do great things”
7) In case of being a victim:
If you become the victim of theft Stay calm, notify the authorities and provide the exact address of the crime, provide a phone number ... and do not touch ANYTHING that can serve as evidence or evidence. DO NOT act on your own, let the authorities take charge.
8) How to avoid car theft.
- Invest money in a good security system for the car: alarms, locks, cut of current, GPS system and vehicle identifier (VIN).
- Do not stop in vulnerable places; do not forget that the easier it is for you to unpark ... much more will be for the thief. Try to park in the middle of rows.
- Park in places with security cameras, illuminated places, trafficked by people or in a private parking lot with a security guard.
- Not stay in areas "red" or dangerous areas, there is more risk of being theft there than anywhere else.
- DO NOT leave valuables in sight in the car, this encourages thieves. Keep everything in the trunk.
- Even if you only get out of the car "for a few minutes" make sure you leave everything closed.
- If you usually to park the vehicle in the front or near your house, place surveillance cameras.
- Keep copies of car keys and do not hide them in obvious places, much less things in the car or near it.
- Keep a copy of the documents of the car in a discreet site of the car same and the original papers in your house.
In case the vehicle be theft and you have the location of the car by GPS system or otherwise, do not try to catch the thief on your own, protect your life and provide as much information as possible to the authorities.
9) If you're going to get drunk... secure your things!
It is much easier for a thief to steal you while you are under the influence of alcohol. It is also likely that you leave your things thrown away ... If you are going to drink alcohol, to a party or to meeting, do not carry all your money or valuables, leave them at home or apply the tip No. 3, if you go out with someone of TRUST, that you do not like the drink, ask him to take care of or watch your things. Remember not to abuse or recostarle everything, better learn to control yourself and to drink with conscience.
If you are going to have a party in your house, set aside a room to store valuables. In the same way offer to save the wallets and bags of the guests (thus you will avoid problems and inconveniences). Remember to always keep the room closed and not lend the key to ANYONE, only you will enter and leave that room. Make sure that the room is without large windows or that they are perfectly closed. If you doubt the security of the room, better not store anything external there.
All photos was takes of: https://pixabay.com/es/
I say goodbye with a strong HELLO ^^! And I hope to see them in the comments.
A stimian