How To Spot A Government Troll And What To Do About It

in #life7 years ago

Most people have had to deal with trolls

at some point in their lives but for those in the political, activist and journalist circles trolling has taken on a whole new meaning as the government now has paid operative who's single purpose is to infiltrate groups to manipulate, deceive and destroy any narrative that does not play into their agenda.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows what one of these trolls looks like when he made the mistake of holding a two way conversation with himself.

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... the trolls are out there and are unstoppable - easy fix is Don't Feed them! They suck the energy out of you that could otherwise be funneled into doing good work!

I don't think they are unstoppable, especially on steem, this is such a thoroughly saturated population of critical thinkers that trolls hardly get fed. I have also helped bring down trolls here, and they can't do anything once they lose trust or credibility, they just exist stage left. What's interesting about trolls, if you troll them hard enough you should have a very good idea exactly how and and in which direction you want to take things, and you can usually hang them with their own words or logic and string them up.

good work.... and trolls will fall...

Hello, my name is Urma and I am Baah's caretaker

I think it's great that my little prince of the baahamas has taken an interest in this topic, it's one that should be very close to his heart.

Baah has been injured with autism due to a bad batch of the varicella vaccine and as such struggles with a few things like interacting with other people.

Please remember this when speaking with him, after all he is my little genius.

The mistake of "not logging out" made this scenario really easy to spot. Well noted and shared. It's unsurprising that this approach is adopted. Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux recently discussed just this kind of thing, labelling words as the moddern instrument of warfare.

Thanks for the video!

One time I found a blatant troll. He made himself a dead giveaway. Attacked a bunch of people on James Corbett's channel for believing 9/11 was a conspiracy. Not only did he stand out, I noticed the exact same guy in a totally different youtube channel harassing others and essentially defending trolls. I checked his videos where he had a few that he made, attacking David Seaman, Corbett and others and denying pizzagate/pedogate is real. I carried on a conversation with him knowing he was a legitimate troll, just to amuse myself by his thought process.. it's like they all follow some manual on how to manipulate, deceive and divide.

Corbett is quite good!

In NYC, 3 buildings went down in 2001 on that day. Not just the 2 of WTC.
And not including the Pentagon & the field.

Just avoid any contact with potential trolls. If it feels like it might be a troll, it potential is and is not worth your valuable time that you could spend making people's lives better on steemit!

Have you seen this yet?
"Veteran investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson breaks down the phenomenon of astroturf, i.e.,the fake “grassroots movements” of trolls funded by political, corporate, or other special interests, who form a phalanx which very effectively manipulate and distort media messages, especially on the Internet, and on Wikipedia in particular."

Good advice. This is what the left does. Bad people infiltrate government. They fish to see if people want to do illegal things. They can use that to go after them or something. Agreed with that. Good video.

Yep, don't feed the trolls. Make them eat their tails!

Troll Spies are every place.

This is an awesome video highlighting something that few people are aware of and contains a ton of material to that could be turned into articles and articles of stuff, which I hope some decent blogger does,( wink! ).