Halifax Councillar Claims Saying "Marijuana" Is Racist

A Halifax councillor says he will no longer use the term "marijuana" because it is racist.
The word "Cannabis" is used by us at PFT over "marijuana" as well but it's certainly not because it's racist or that we need to be progressive!
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Chad Jackett of Liberty Farms about the reasons why we have these two terms in the first place and why "racism" is not to blame but it is in fact the state itself.
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yea i dont undestand people trying to control our language. Hopefully someday people will be able to communicate without stupid cultural rules that serve no purpose beyond inhibiting speech.
Gotta love when governments go 180 haha. Nice interview, keep it up :)
Reminds me of George Orwell 1984. The word is EVIL hahaa
The word is rascist? WTF
Nice post .so i upvoted you
The intresting fact is that, it is all about changing the perception of people towards this herb earlier known as marijuana ( but publicized negatively) or cannabis ( publicized positively because of its medical use). Shows how one person with 2 diff names can be cool as well as bore, it's all about how u represent it.
Thnx for sharing description of the video that really useful
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🤖💬 This post has received a 12.50 % upvote from @iseekush sponsored by @netgodbeerus
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its 100% true. Cannabis was falsely deemed to be called marijuana, a mexican look alike plant, by the CIA and insiders in the government of the United States in the 1940s. These parties had interest in the paper pulp Mill industry that wanted to quash the competition from hemp paper fiber which was cheaper to produce. This was also used in conjunction with the War on Drugs to assimilate a core belief that Mexican drug cartels selling marijuana were affecting american economies and disturbing the peace. This view was further established in the movie Reefer Madness which was actually not meant to be a funny movie but a harmful and propaganda Base movie too defame cannabis and flag it as marijuana.
Upvoted, re$teemed & following!
I think the government will sell their own mind-controlling weeds, or add bad chemicals, always best to home grow! I think you will appreciate my Introduction