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RE: Promiscuity Over Monogamy – Diving Into Cheating Culture

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Who knows, maybe if cheating wasn’t looked upon as such a deadly infraction

I would say that is a personal matter, and for most it is indeed a deadly infraction. Once the trust is betrayed, it can no longer be what it was. You can't unring the bell.

As I was slightly alluding to in my comment on your previous post, we are seeing an epidemic of cheating now from the female side. 70% of divorces are initiated by women, who are most often rewarded monetarily at the mans expense by the courts. Atop this part of the injustice is the almost certainty with which the father will be lucky (if he is able to maintain his indentured servitude via child support that often can be an amount greater than his realistic ability to pay, and more than necessary for the childs survival) to see his child(ren) 4 days a month.

Then we have the potential for a sexually transmitted disease, as most believe they need no protection in their monogamous relationships, unaware that they are not in one.

We also need to consider the children that are involved. It is becoming more commonly known in the manospere that more men than one would comfortably think are raising children they believed were biologically theirs that are not. In some countries like France it is illegal for a man now to seek a paternity test.

I could write a short little book here, but do feel the need to briefly discuss societal dynamics that are not quite politically correct to assert. One can say there is equality among sexes, but the fact is that men are the builders of society when it comes to the building and maintenance of the buildings, roadways, grids etc. Part of the inducement men had was due to the religious morals that enabled the majority of men who would never have a long term relationship with a woman due to hypergamy to have one. When there is no check on womens nature to only be with and have children with the top 10-20% of men, most men see no reason to exert a lot of effort into the building and maintaining of the societal structure. Let the top 10 to 20% build and maintain for their harems and children.

We are seeing this unfold if one is willing to look past the shaming language and look at what many younger men are doing now. Many are lost (no dad to teach them how to be a man and they have watched mom parade a multitude of men in and out of their lives during formative years, etc). They see no hope to be something other than at best used by women who give them a carrot of attention to keep the young men spending money and doing labor for them. These men are not blind and see that these same women are all competing for a small circle of alpha men. Many having several children with one or more of these alpha men.

These men are not wanting to step into ready made families where they will come in last, yet be expected to shoulder so much of the burden. A saying that has sadly become a truth for many men now is that she was never yours, it was just your turn.

What I feel women aren't seeing as they are blinded by their power in the sex game is that men are beginning to ask themselves why they should pay for others children, via taxes or in a relationship. Mgtow and TRP movements are growing to combat the out of balance system we are witnessing.

So many hurt feelings, so many lost children.

It is indeed a deadly infraction, and such a shame the masses have not been taught there are blessings and true empowerment in being loyal and dedicated. Much moreso than seeking a new thrill that leaves so many damaged in its wake.