What Goes Around Comes Around (BEWARE Karma Is Real)

in #life7 years ago

What do you feel when the person you treasure that always sticks to you every single day in your life suddenly disappear?


1. Experiencing Heart Break

I have a friend, I won’t mention his name for certain reason. He have been a really good friend for me since childhood. But when it comes to his girlfriend, he would rather be a jerk sometimes as he will stick to “My Girlfriend is My Priority” and put others aside. (no offence to all reader, I’m just sharing what I’ve experience)

I will be honest with you guys since I know how it feels like. It would break my heart to feel left out and lonely for someone I have know for so long and suddenly vanish into thin air for a moment there. What is friendship for btw? I have never once blame his girlfriend, but I blame him instead because he could just told his girlfriend that he was out with me rather than just proceed the conversation on the phone without mentioning that I was there in the first place. I respect the way how committed his relationship with his girlfriend, but how about me? The person he knew since childhood. I'm the one who always cover his back whenever he needs me. But in return I got f**ked! feels like he treat me like I’m a nobody (how do you think that makes me feels?)


2. Having a drink

When we went out together, going for a drinks or having lunch,the moment his phone starts “ringing” he is in his own zone and I am never there with him. I have suddenly become a tree silently listening to his conversation. This situation does not only happen once, but many other times. I will just act cool because I considered him as my best friend (well bro I have my limits). He keeps on talking on the phone with his girlfriend like there is no other time. Lastly we end up having a drink with “I gotta go now bro, see you tomorrow?) “SEE YOU TOMORROW MY A**!”. I know that moment will never comes. But instead I just respond to him “alright bro, nice hanging out with you” with my sarcasm tone.


3. Girlfriend Arguments

This is the best part when it comes to a fight with his girlfriend. He will always approach me first rather than anyone else he know just because I’m his closes friend. Even thou I hate him sometimes for ignoring me and always cared for his girlfriend more than anything, I will still help him no matter what the situation is because I still consider him as my best friend (what happen with bro first?). He then meet me asking for advise and to company him whenever he feel sad (this always happen). But the best thing is whenever I gave him any advice, he never really listen. But still I’m not tired of giving him advise anytime he needed one. Most of the time I spend giving him advise, he just keep sobbing and crying and nodding. I don’t know if there is any point to all of these anymore and I should just go home instead of wasting my time. To be honest, sometimes I feel like I was being used and because of this feeling don’t know whether I’m happy or not hanging out with him anymore.


4.Moment of truth

Despite all his ego, he always told me that he is an expert when it comes to girls. He always follow the textbook as guide and reference for him to get girls attention. Well of course I gave him advise since I have more experience than him about this “relationship” thing. I shared all my heart breaking story to him and instead of pitying me he take his textbook knowledge and start giving me advise from the textbook. But all I wanted is him to listen but then he starts dominate the whole moment with his story and suddenly I lost track of what we are suppose to talk about.

One day his girlfriend gives him a cold shoulder, keep ignoring his texts and calls. Then he came and talked to me from the beginning. He found out his girlfriend is cheating on him for quite a long time. All the sweet talk between them was just an act the whole time. His friend from a club send him a picture of her girlfriend and one anonymous guy that turns out to be her best friend (ouch!). Not forget to mention that I did warned him before that the girl is using his wealth and will hurt him someday but he dint believe that. But after what happened, he began to trust me more than before. I told him, don’t get blind by love and always prioritize your friends and family which they always be there for you. This is a lesson and a dark experience for him and take him years to recover from this trauma before he starts to move on again.

Remember guys, what goes around comes around.

#justsharing #enjoy #havefun


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