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RE: I want a simple life. How do I get it?

in #life8 years ago

You are only 20 and yet, you have been pushed towards so many different things. I remember myself when I was your age. Shit, I was studying two different programs and not because I was smart as fuck (ok, I am smart but that really isn't a point here), but because I was completely clueless. Clueless about what I wanna do once I really grow up. Yep, you've read that right! I wasn't even close to full frown up person, that came maybe even 10 years later and thats fine. All I'm trying to say is; you don't have to figure out your entire life at the age of 20. Its perfectly ok not to know what you wanna do for at least couple of years more. Most importantly, don't let anybody convince you the time to choose is now or even better, now or never.
Its more important that you get to know yourself. Once you do that, it'll be much easier to make big decisions and chances are, those decisions will be the right ones.


Thank you for saying that and reminding me I need to take it slow. I'm so anxious to get my life started because I see so many people my age with their shit together. I want so badly to be like them. I'm trying too hard and too fast to get to know myself. I'm asking people "how long did it take you to find yourself?" "when did you know your purpose in life?" "how did you find your dream job?" like they would give me the answers I need to find myself. This is why I'm planning a self discovery vacay for my 21st birthday this November. I need to be alone with myself and my thoughts and chill for a week or two.