Let the Answer Come!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

fullsizeoutput_1d4a.jpegAs I pack my things up and begin my move to Pueblo I am having several, "why the fck am I moving???" experiences. I LOVE my life in Denver, why would I move?
So when I was walking at the park and beginning to feel myself spiral into the panic of "is this what I should be doing?" (the spinning and suffocating, not-fun place I've known all-too-well since contemplating and making this decision to move🤪) I asked God for help. My prayer being something like: Help me know if this is the right thing for me. (Again!!! Hahahha)
At the very moment I asked, about to be gobbled up w uncertainty, I saw a woman jogging towards me wearing a shirt that said: "Stay the Path".
Ahhh close call!! So close to giving my moments up to the tornado of anxiety. It was deeply comforting to see this written, right in front of me (on a beautiful woman, no less!). An answer. A sign to keep moving forward through all of the 'why the f
ck am I moving' feelings.
Stay the Path, P. ❤️
My practice of asking god/universe for help then requires listening and I am happy that I am learning to listen more.🌸
This pic represents rising through uncertainly into clarity. #bowspring