Think about something crappy 👎that has happened in your life, or you fear could happen in the future. Maybe you had a rough childhood. Perhaps your relationship is not doing so well right now, you fear it could end. 😓You might be in a dead end career and can’t see a way out. Whatever it is…
👉 When you think about this thing:
1- Do you feel good?
2- Do you feel inspired?
3- Do you come up with solutions?
4- Do you make progress?
5- Do you feel strong?
6- Do you take positive action?
7- Do you feel loved?
8- Do you feel optimistic?
9 - Do you feel hopeful?
10 - Do you have energy?
11 - Do you trust?
12 - Do you reach out for help?
13 - Do you grow?
14 – Do you socialise?
15 – Do you try new things?
16 – Do you take risks?
Chances are, you answered ‘no’ to most of those.
😃The dream of waking up each day and doing a job you love.
😍A dream of finding that great life partner.
💪 A dream of being healthy.
💰 A dream of being financially abundant.
🌍 A dream of travelling.
I want you to really get into that dream in your mind. Let it simmer. See it in detail. Don’t judge it or think ‘it won’t happen’. Just imagine the dream, fully.
How does it look and feel? Are there smells and sounds there? How do YOU look and feel? What are your facial expressions? Who else is around you? What are they like?
Do this work in your mind. DO IT! PROPERLY! I’m watching you, c’mon, no slacking! 😜
Now, when you focus on your dreams, on what you would like to experience, do you do any of the 16 things? I’ve copied the list below to save you scrolling back up. I’m nice like that. 😊
- Do you feel good?
- Do you feel inspired?
3- Do you come up with solutions?
4- Do you make progress?
5- Do you feel strong?
6- Do you take positive action?
7- Do you feel loved?
8- Do you feel optimistic?
9 - Do you feel hopeful?
10 - Do you have energy?
11 - Do you trust?
12 - Do you reach out for help?
13 - Do you grow?
14 – Do you socialise?
15 – Do you try new things?
16 – Do you take risks?
If you’re still saying ‘no’ to most of those then you need more practise, refine your FOCUS.
If you want to create a better life, you cannot do it without those 16 things (and many more!). And, only one thing will get you towards those 16 things – focusing on what you want. Focusing on better, NOT the worst.
Look, we could take this discussion into quantum physics, spirituality, law of attraction and what not. But we don’t really need to go there. We can just keep it on simple levels of psychology and human behaviour. What you think, you feel. What you feel, you act. What you act, gets your results. ✔️
I know that sometimes innocent people, beautiful children, get crappy results 😥 – and I’m not going to say ‘oh, it’s because you weren’t focusing on your dreams’. That would be quite stupid of me. There is a grander architecture to life that I have NO clue about. I don’t really know the truth of why these things happen. BUT…
I do know that I’ve had crappy things happen to me and I am still pursuing my dreams and I have had much greatness in my life already. 🙏 And, it’s largely a matter of focus. I focus on my dreams more than I focus on my nightmares.
As adults, we can make that choice.
So make it.

Great post! "Where focus goes, energy flows!" I will be following you :) *upvoted
yes, indeed it does! :D xx