Love Your Body! You Only Get One...
I have no abdomen. Not event joking. There is no gap between my ribs and my hips. If I had a six pack I don't know where it would go. Kinda weird. 😜
I also have some podgy areas. Bad posture. Wonky teeth and eyes. My nose is somewhat huge. Oh and I've got so many grey hairs - actually they are not grey. There are shining white, luminous, super thick strands that protrude from my head! 😂
Many of us are taught to hate on our bodies. If we look 'different' (what the fuck does that even mean in a species of 7 billion unique humans), if we don't match up to the photo-shopped BS in the magazines.
Just realise how freaking amazing it is to have this body! It's the greatest marvel of creation. It's mindblowingly amazing!😀
The sole purpose of your body is to keep you alive. Literally 24/7 that's ALL it's ever bothered about. Is there anyone else on this planet who devotes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to keeping YOU alive? NOPE. So we best start appreciating. 😍
This huge mass of cells, each one itself a little life, just keeps going regardless of what I put it through. It fights disease, repairs and replenishes, it allows me to feel important emotions that guide me through life. It let's me walk, talk, dance, hug, draw, write, eat, play, laugh and a million other things. 🙏
Every cell feels your energy. It feels your appreciation 😊 and it feels your self loathing 😓. Be kind.
Your body is the home of your soul. 💫 You won't get another.
It's a beautiful, unique, one of a kind creation that belongs ALL to you. 💓 No one else will ever have one just like it. What a gift. 🎁
Cherish it. Love it. Appreciate it.

moral is love yourself....!!
Yes indeed! :D
Thanks for the reminder. It's so absurd the accumulative amount of hours i've wasted thinking about my body. Looking in the mirror just to find areas to criticise. It's so much energy wasted. I know now I can thinking loving things towards my body or hateful things towards my body, my body will still be my body so why not love it.
You are most welcome beautiful :)
"Your body is the home of your soul. 💫 You won't get another."
And that's why you also need to take care of it. All body types can be beautiful, but this doesn't mean that they're all healthy.
So true - inner health is most important. Thanks gamesjoyce :D xx
Love this!!! So often we forget our bodies are working when we are sleeping. Non stop no days off. We have to be mindful of what we feed it. Mentally and physically
Yess! Thank you, glad it resonates :) <3