Why I'm Hooked on Podcasts

in #life7 years ago

Anyone who knows me knows that at any given time, I may be immersed in the sounds of a podcast. I am a big fan of these captivating, audio artworks. After some contemplation, I realized these are the three main reasons I am utterly hooked on podcasts:

They Make You Smarter
Podcasts offer a great opportunity to expand your horizons. I never make it through an episode without learning something new or seeing a new perspective on an issue. There are plenty of podcast developed with the singular intention of increasing your intelligence, but even the ones that are not strictly educational are going to be informative in some way or another.

Great For Long Drives
I used to commute 45 minutes to work, and the only reason I didn’t entirely hate those drives is because I could typically fit an episode of Radiolab or Heavy Weight into those drives. Listening to an enthralling story or learning something new about the world would always make time fly by. Consider alternating the tunes with a great podcast on your next road trip to kill some time behind the wheel or in the passenger seat pleasantly.

Hands Free Entertainment
This is probably the reason I am able to indulge in podcasts as often as I do. I can listen to a great story or riveting interview all while washing dishes, folding laundry, cooking, crafting, or any other number of activities. I am the type of person who doesn’t like to sit still, so sometimes I can’t fully relax when watching tv or reading; with podcasts, I don’t have to. I can move around, get things done, and still enjoy this great entertainment

Don't know where to start? These are a few of my favorite podcasts, as well as these


Wow those are amazing podcasts the three reasons why you are hooked on podcast are meaningful keep it going thanks for sharing
View blog upvote my post I just posted thanks once more.

Nice post i like it East and west you are the best

Exactly the benefits definitely out way cons as the amount you could learn is endless if you want to change your life find a podcast that could help you move in that direction...

Exacly! I love podcasts.