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RE: Mind Control: Three warnings from an ex-magician

in #life8 years ago

Kristy, Thank you for the insight. I have had many schizophrenic patients. And, on every level of education, including a double PhD Math & Physics fella. I know it can strike anyone in a certain age range, and it's for life.
Not sure if this story relates to anything. However, when I was a child up to the age of ten I suffered from constant dejavu. It was ridiculous, I always knew the words like 2 seconds before they were spoken. It was everyday and constant. At the age of ten I was hit by a car, and suffered massive head trauma. Right up until the moment the car hit me I knew what was coming (except for the car part) from a dream I had the night before. As the events unfolded I was in amazement because this time it was from an actual dream, not just from "knowing." Up until the car hit me, I was following along with the dream. A girl from school passes by with her mom, just like the dream, I mimic them and laugh as I pass them. After a few steps I turn around to see if they're chasing me like in the dream. They are chasing me! So I run to cross the street, and a car hits me, and I land on my head.
Months later, I see the girl from the dream at school. She asked me why I ran, I said, "because you and your mom were chasing me," They were running at me screaming Noooo, because I was headed for an oncoming car. I seldom ever get dejavu anymore, it pretty much ended that day in the road.