in #life6 years ago

In your physical body you are very limited. There is a limit to the weight you can carry, you are limited by time and space. You can't exist 200 years ago or 200 years to come.
There is an equipment God has put inside you that gives you the capacity to bring beyond the limit in that limitation. It is called your IMAGINATION. In your imagination you can't be limited except it is self inflicted.
In your imagination you can't be limited by time, you can choose to live in the past, you can live in the future. In your imagination you are not limited by space too. You can travel to any country of your choice.
It is important to know that what ever becomes real in your imagination over time will become real in your life.
All things are created twice. There is first a first a mental creation and then a physical creation. There is nothing valuable that is created that did not exit first as an idea.
The raw material with which you create your future is in your thought. You will become literally what you are thinking today. (Proverb 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he. )The best control which you have over tomorrow is the control that you have in your thinking today. What you will look like in 10 years from now is exactly what you are looking like in your imagination today.
Dream big, have a vision. The quality of your life can't be better than the quality of that dream in your heart. Don't dream relative to the limits in your environment. Don't use the depth of your poverty to determine the height of prosperity.


  1. CHANGE YOUR THINKING: thought are powerful. If you excise control over your thoughts you will excise control over your your destiny. Some time we find it very difficult to change our thinking . This process is described in the bible as a warfare. Its a warfare because it really difficult for a student who find it very difficult to pay his or her fees to think like a billionaire. The present situation doesn't look it at all. This will bring conflict in the mind. But Don't be conformed to this impossibilities thought. Great people think possibilities. Be positive in your thoughts if you must be great.
    To change your thinking associate with positive and successful people. Who you listen to and what you read affect your thinking pattern and your thoughts will automatically form your actions. (Proverbs 13:20 he who walk with the wise will be wise but the companion of fools will be destroyed.) Don't keep company that aim at destroying your dreams.

  2. HAVE MENTORS: To evaluate yourself write down the names of 7 people you are most intimate with (people you listen to and share thoughts with). In doing this your are looking at your future. Your life can not be better than the quality of the life of people on that list.
    Most us young people are very relationship oriented and we are so sentimental about it. Even when relationship is not productive. We feel if we fail our friends have a responsibility to fail with us. Don't be sentimental, be sensitive to your destiny. Make the right friends. Look up to the those that have made it to where you are headed to. The greatest gift you can get from a rich man is his mindset. Don't ask for money when you have an opportunity to meet a rich man ask wise questions, ask for his mindset.

  3. HAVE GOAL: have goal, write them down. It could be short term, medium term or long term goal. Make sure they are achievable and concrete. Keep this written goal where you can see them everyday because whatever you see and hear consistently overtime will enter your heart and what ever that enters your heart has entered your life so definitely it will find expression.

  4. DEVELOP EXPERTISE: you've got to know how to do something and do it well. You must understand that praying to get mony is not enough. Money is only a means of exchange. You must be willing to solve problem in doing you will get paid.

  5. TAKE ACTION: Now is the best time to pursue that dream. A great man said there is no PhD in planning to study Economics. There is only PhD Economics. End the delay now. Don't wait for things to happen make things happen.
    In your imagination you can be all that you want to be. Just let it manifest.

I believe in us i know we can make it with God on our side and with the application of the right principles. Thanks for taking time to read this post.


This really motivates so much
"You can't exist 200 Years ago and 200 years to come " which means there ain't anything forever, even forever ain't forever, everything shall end one day

Thank you so much sir