Releasing Negative Emotions - Cure for depression and anxiety
Releasing Negative Emotions
Almost everybody was dealing with Anxiety, Depression or any other negative emotion in the past. But some people live with those feelings for months, years or even for their entire life!
Some will try finding a cure for those feeling by speaking to professionals, taking prescription drugs or by reading and watching self-help material - those things work, but not always. Other people just decide to live with it and give up on their emotional freedom and relaxation.
While I am not a psychologist or a professional in any way, I will try to give you a new perspective on those states and how to you could free yourself from the emotions that hunt you. But I will have to ask you to be open-minded and even if you don't agree with whats written try to find the logic behind it.

Negative Emotions
Anxiety, stress, depression... call it whatever you want, but what we know about those feelings? Well... we know they feel bad, like pain! Maybe not even like, we could call them emotional pain. So let's have a look at pain.
Why do we feel pain? let's think in a logical way about the purpose of pain. If we try touching hot metal we would get a burned and our skin will be damaged, most importantly we will feel pain. It doesn't feel nice but now we will know not to touch that metal again. So the purpose of pain is to warn us about dangers to our body and also to protect us from possible damage by avoiding pain.
Let's say those negative emotions we talked about are similar to pain. What would our brain try to tell us? Is it trying to warn us about dangers? Maybe it's trying to protect us from future risk? If we look at it from an evolutionary point of view we all know that everything our brain and body does has a survival purpose.

Learn The Lesson
Now that we accepted that our emotions serve some purpose to protect us from something - we can try and find what is the thing our brain is warning us about. What possibly could this kind of feeling prevent?
If we take for example trauma, a person would go through horrible stuff, he will observe a lot of information coming to his mind through his senses. This is new information for the mind and since our mind usually reacts accordingly our past knowledge and memories, it wouldn't know how to process it effectively.
Fast forward later, our brain still has this memory he is uncertain about! Something bad happened to you and maybe even your survival was at risk. Your brain is now aware of a certain danger and he wants to prevent it from happening again, so it will shoot this warning signals again and again in a form of anxiety (or another negative feeling). And it won't stop until it feels safe knowing that it won't happen again!
But how can we turn off this warning sign and let our brain feel safe again? - By learning the lesson and letting your mind prosses it! If there's an unanswered question it won't feel right until you check the answer and have the basic idea about it, what if the question perceived as a survival uncertainty?
Most people will avoid thinking about the memory since it's causing those negative feelings we hate soo much, they run from whats causing their problems. But in that case, you should go back to the memory, relive it in your mind, feel it again and try to understand what went wrong and which lessons you can take from it. Let your mind fully prosses the information which sitting there for years waiting to be processed. Try answering the questions.
You are right... it is probably not your fault, but your unconscious mind isn't that smart. It just wants to make sure that it won't happen again. It wants to make sure that you will be safe, and as long as you ignore that, it will keep nagging you.
Once you learned the lessons from it, once you have a new perspective on what happened. With new ideas in mind about what you could and couldn't do, why it happened and what you could do to avoid it in the future - you might notice that the negative feelings are washing away.
🙂Thank you for reading!🙃

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We need to release these negative emotions, these are toxic to our bodies.
Hey @paps I am a curator from the new Whaleshares Curation Team. I have selected your post to be presented in a live curation discussion on Monday 13th November. Your post will be awarded with a 25 Whaleshares vote on the night. I do hope you can come along and spectate. The event will be held in The Curation Lounge on the Whaleshares server. Hope to see you there! Here's a post which explains things:
Awesome! thank you :D
Just heard a nice summary of your post on Whaleshares Curation and I remember seeing you around the Writers' Block, too, @paps! really nice piece
Thank you so much :D
Do you have any idea if that was recorded? I would love to hear what they said :)
I don't know if it was recorded... I'll ask
No need, already checked :)
Apparently not but I suggested the idea for them and I think they took it to heart.
Thank you anyway :D
I was just interested to hear what they said about my post.
I have overcome crippling anxiety by attacking it where it stems from.
It's still a battle on all fronts, but it's more manageable.
I didn't do it alone, but most of the battle was confronting it.
That's amazing, I'm happy to hear you manage it!
I like people sharing their own experience which verifies what I write :)
I wish you mental clarity and I'm sure you will overcome it completely.
Beautiful. Thankyou for sharing your post with me. It is very relatable to what I have dealt with and I still have anxiety issues when I’m under stress and I’ll try my level best to apply what you have shared with me today when I am in a similar situation again.
DC 🖤🐈
Thank you for the great comment and the support :)
Happy to hear that you are willing to apply this!
Interesting read. These feelings are natural and sometimes useful but also often misleading in decisions, behaviour, outcome in life. I thought of two things while reading:
"Fear is not real, but real danger is." from the movie with Will Smith
"What's the reality?" or the reality-principle, further questions could be to manage the bad feelings "Can i die from it?" -> I asked that question earlier in life more often when i was preparing for a speech before 100+ people and was nervous.. or had a big test and after saying to me a straight "No!" i was calming down, my body and mind relaxed to release the blocks in the brain caused by anxiety and stress.
Today i do other self-talks like Brian Tracy proposes like "I'm the best, i'm the best.." before a sales meeting or "It's not the reality!" If someone tries to blame others with negative wording and tries to create bad mood i simply ignore that and think in solutions. That's learnable tactic to be on top of such things. I think solution orientation is one of the killer apps everybody should have on disposal. It prevents us from many senseless thoughts of anxiety and shows us a way out of apparent hopeless situation.
Easy said, often difficuilt to act. If you have pathological conditions of anxiety then i think all the tactics and behaviours are not successful and you need help from others.
Thank you for the ideas!
Thank you for an awesome comment :)
As you said, easier said than done. But I truly believe that most of those things become easier as we practice them!
I used the same tactic in the past saying "There's no real risk here! your mind creates fake risk!"
Leon, another brilliant post! truly liked it.
I always divert my mind to more creative and productive things to wade off negative emotions!!!
Though, negative emotions will remain our part in conscious or subconscious state, its just about how one handles/manages/tackles it with purely engaging in other positive activities, as best, as possible !!!
Thank you my friend :)
You are Welcome, Leon!
great post lot of good info, greetings
Thanks :)
Another Excellent posting!
Thank you for sharing! :-)
Thanks :)
You're very welcome. :-)
Thank you for your reply! :-)
Love this 💜 Amazing post by an amazing author
Amazing comment by an amazing person ♥
Yeah I agree with that LIon. Most people will not recall their problem of past and did not reprocess it to find the source of problem. And they get stuck in this loop. It's great that you pointed out this. But it would be great if you talk about some smart counter mechanism too :)
Thank you :)